Miscellaneous News

Dear Cameroon community members,
Access Agriculture is an international non-profit organisation operating in the digital agricultural extension domain. It promotes South-South knowledge exchange using videos in local languages to support sustainable agriculture, natural resources management and markets in developing countries.

Access Agriculture seeks passionate young leaders, especially women from Cameroon for the position of Volunteer Ambassador. Access Agriculture Ambassadors are volunteers who commit to promote the transition towards agroecology and organic farming by supporting the distribution of quality training videos.

Submit your application by 30 September 2023, by writing to nafissath@accessagriculture.org.
Thank you for your attention and please help us spread the word to your different networks. 


Technique qui promeut perturbation mécanique minimale et couverture organique permanente du sol, et diversification culturale.

Vous voulez renforcer vos capacités en Agriculture biologique en enpprenant la langue Ghomala? Veuillez lire cette video. 

Cette vidéo est aussi disponible en :

      Français           GDT12 Culture de Conservation


      Ghomala         Bʉɔ̌ ghə cǎʼ láʼ gə búŋywə́: No.12 Mfaʼgô nədwɔ́p cáʼ



Rejoignez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux à :




When you pick your tomatoes, if you want to keep them longer, you have to find a way of reducing the temperature. As availability of electricity at village level can be a problem, ways have to be found to lower the temperature of this fragile crop. Some farmers at Dambatta in Kano State, Nigeria have used local mud bricks to make a very effective cooling chamber.

Whatch this video in English, french and Ghomala


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