Bible verses of the day

24 Oct 2022

PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR :  (Ep 4, 32  ̵5, 2)

Soyez entre vous pleins de générosité et de tendresse. Pardonnez-vous les uns les autres comme Dieu vous a pardonné dans le Chtist. Oui, cherchez à imiter Dieu, puisque vous êtes ses enfants bien-aimés. Vivez dans l'amour comme le Christ nous a aimés et s'est livré pour nous, en offrant à Dieu le sacrifice qui pouvait lui plaire.

 puŋtʉ̂m ba pyányǝ lɔ́mnyǝ́ cǝcǝ̌ po. Po pǝ́ gwá' mhɔ cǝcǝ̌ wɔ́wɔ́, dǝ́ŋdǝŋ pâ' Sǐ lǝ cyǝ m nǝ̂ Krǐsto gwá' mhɔ mɔ́ áá. Éé, pá' pô bǝ́ pókuŋ Sí á, po cǝ́ŋ nǝ́ fo' é ! Po cwǝ́ ntʉ́m ŋkuŋnyǝ kwa'pâ' Krǐsto lǝ kuŋ wɔ́kpǝ, tǝ dǝ́ nǝ̂ e núŋ ntî pwɔ' tsyǝ a lǝ ghǝ̌ nǝ́ puŋ Sí á, nǝ jó thǝ̂ yɔ́kpǝ lǝ.

Pǝ cǝ́ŋ gaǝ̂ ŋkuŋnyǝ ba pyányǝ lɔ́mnyǝ́ cǝcǝ̌ pǝ ntʉ́m yǝŋ gap *mɔ́de ntâmgǒ*!

Bonjour et agréable début de semaine à tous.


25 Oct 2022

PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Ps 48 I, 8...13)

L'homme comblé ne dure pas.

Nul ne peut racheter son frère ni payer à Dieu sa rançon : aussi cher qu'il puisse payer, toute vie doit finir.
Peut-on vivre indéfiniment sans voir la fosse ? 
Vous voyez les gens sages mourir : comme le fou et l'insensé, ils périssent, laissant à d'autres leurs fortunes.
Ils croyaient leur maison éternelle, leur demeure établie pour les siècles ; sur des terres ils avaient mis leur nom. 
L'homme comblé ne dure pas : il ressemble au bétail que l'on abat.

Mo ku' bə pǝ́ e lǝ cɔ́knyǝ́ ŋkà'. 

Pǝ̂ sɔmmo lǝ yó thǝ́ fǝ̂ e kǝ ntúŋ á jû e lǝ̂  bî Sǐ : mo yô vɔk é â dǝŋ lǎlǝ́, bǝ ê gɔ tí miŋ á  cá'. 
Pə̂ waə̌ cɔ́knyə ŋka' tǝ e lǝ lá' ŋkó cá' á ? 
Pô jɔ̂ mzhyə̌nwə pfʉ́tə̀ : pə́ pâ' mpʉɔ̌pó pú a mkəkhʉɔ á, wáp zhí bâp msɔ̌kgwó', nták tsə̂ tsáp bî shə́pɔ̀.
Wáp lə̂ ŋkwɛ gaə́ pə̂ ywə́ lə lá' ŋkám pa' yáp, gaə̂ tsʉ'shwə̂ yáp lá' pə́ á wə́ nə̂ gù' nə̀ gù' ; bə wáp lě ŋwa'tə mtsô máp nə̂ jyəjyə mkamcá'. 
 Mo yə ě gaə́ ě ku', tə̂ bə e ka ghə́ thǝ́ á tə̂ gwóptə́ pə́; ê shʉ á pâ' vəŋ mnɔm pyǝ pú wə́ gɔ́ m nə́ watə áá.

Pə ywɔ́k cúsǝdê tyǝ̌'pfô ɔ ŋkámtə́ gaə̂ dǝmcâ' bǝ́ á yɔ̂gɔ́ɔ́. 

Bonjour, et merveilleux mardi à tous.

26 Oct 2022


Je te bénis, Père, Seigneur du ciel et de la terre.

Le Seigneur est tendresse et pitié, lent à la colère et plein d'amour.
La bonté du Seigneur est pour tous, sa tendresse pour toutes ses œuvres.
Le Seigneur est vrai en tout ce qu'il dit, fidèle en tout ce qu'il fait.
Le Seigneur soutient tous ceux qui tombent, il redresse tous les accablés.
Que ma bouche proclame les louanges du Seigneur !

Bwǎnyə́ bû m Tâ, Cyəpɔ kɛbəŋ ba sîcǎ' !

Cyəpɔ̂ bə́ pyányə ba cɔ́mmtsò, tə pə̌ də́gʉ́' jɛ́lúŋ, bə ŋkuŋnyə é yɔ́m gá'bú;
Cyəpɔ̂ ŋkuŋ guŋ pɔ awɛ́, pyányə pə́ nə̂ guŋ mfa' myə́.
Cyəpɔ̂ də á nyə́nyɔ́ gɔ̂m bəkə́lə́, bə́ təfɛjʉm nə̂ bâkə́lə́ yə ê gə áá.
Cyəpɔ̂ ntə́mtə́ guŋ pɔ pyə wâp bvʉsí á, bʉ́'tə́ guŋ pɔ pyə nwə̌ tsaə wáp.

Cyəpɔ̂, ywɔ́k ntǝ́mtə́ pô pǔ wénésǝdê shyǝ̂ŋkû' ɔ !

Bonjour et bon début de week-end.

27 Oct 2022


La nuit, pour toi n'est pas ténèbre.

Lumière de lumière et Verbe de Dieu, tu veux nous délivrer de la puissance des ténèbres,
_ chasse l'obscurité de nos cœurs. 

Tu veux que nous rendions la terre habitable à tous :
_ que ta parole éclaire ceux qui travaillent à ta justice.

Toi qui ouvres aux croyants, les portes que nul ne peut fermer :
_ mène nos frères défunts, sur le chemin de la lumière.

Dzʉ̂mtsʉ̌' tǝ̂ só dzǝ̌ ò pǝ̀.

Ŋka' ŋka' ba Ghɔm Sí, ô shǝ́ŋ nǝ́ tê wɔ́k msǔŋ mgʉ̂' jʉ̌m :
_ nɔ́ jʉ́m mtʉ́m pyǝ. 

Ô ŋkuŋ gaǝ́ pyǝ ghǝ́ sîcǎ' pǝ́ buŋ tsʉ'shwǝ́ bî guŋ pɔ awɛ́ :
_ ghǝ̂ ghɔm tsǔ kyǝ́'nyǝ́ pɔ pyǝ wâp bʉ́'tǝ́ nwǝ dǝ́ŋdǝŋ. 

Wu yǝ ô hé mjyǝ bî mpǐŋsî sɔmmo lǝ píŋ jó' á :
_ la'tǝ mǝ̂jyǝ ŋkyǝ'nyǝ bî mpfaǝ́si pɔ́k. 

Buŋbuŋ tɔ́sǝdê dzǝ̂dzǝ, (tyǝ̌' sim gwyǝ́ Jo) bí po lǝ́ o ! 

Bonjour et joyeux jeudi à tous.

28 Oct 2022


Les dons que le Christ a faits aux hommes, c'est d'abord les Apôtres, puis les prophètes et les missionnaires de l'Évangile, et aussi les pasteurs et ceux qui enseignent. De cette manière, le peuple saint est organisé pour que les tâches du ministère soient accomplies, et que se construise le corps du Christ. À terme, nous parviendrons tous ensemble à l'unité dans la foi, et la vraie connaissance du Fils de Dieu...''.

Mfʉ' myǝ Yésô lǝ tǎk bí pɔmnǝŋ â dǝŋdzǝ bǝ́ mcwiŋkʉɔ, gǝ́ mghámdô' ba mghɛntǝ́m, bíŋ gǝ mkámsí pú à mcwyàtǝ̀. A pǝ́ pó'o, pɔ dɔ̂lɔ̌ kú'nyǝ nǝ́ fa' mfa' nǝŋkwǝ́ nǝ̂ Krǐsto, guŋ yɔkpǝ awɛ́ tâmtǝ ntʉ́m píŋtʉ̂m ba nǝ́ cǝŋtǝ jyǝ́ Mû Sǐ...''.

Buŋbuŋ fǝládê ntâmdzə bí po lǝ́ o ! 

Bonjour et bon début de week-end à tous.

Samedi 29 Oct 2022


Bénissez ceux qui vous persécutent ; souhaitez-leur du bien et non pas du mal. Soyez joyeux avec ceux qui sont dans la joie, pleurez avec ceux qui pleurent. Soyez bien d'accord les uns avec les autres ; n'ayez pas le goût des grandeurs, mais laissez-vous attirer par ce qui est humble.

Po pǝ́ níŋ â byǎnyǝ́ nǝ́ pɔ pyǝ wâp dǝ wɔ́ jɔ́gó' ; po sʉ́m â pǝpúŋ nǝ́ pú, tǝ dò pǝ̀. Po pǝ́ ŋwɛ́nyǝ́ pú a pɔ pyǝ wáp wǝ́ ŋwɛ́nyǝ́ á, dɔ pú a pɔ pyǝ wáp wǝ́ dɔ́ lǝ. Po pǝ́ ŋkwishwǝ cǝcǝ̌ po. Ka po kûŋ mŋá'ŋá' tsǝ́, da'gaǝ́ po cǝ́ŋ gaǝ̂ ywǝ́ nǝ̂ tǝ̌ŋ wɔ́ bǝ́ á yǝ lǝnǝ́sí nǝ́ áá.

Po ywɔ́k pəpúŋ nǝ́ yǝŋ sásǝdê sɛ̂sǔ !

Bonjour et fructueux week-end à tous.

31 Oct 2022


Parlez et agissez comme des gens qui vont être jugés par une loi de liberté. Car le jugement est sans miséricorde pour celui qui n'a pas fait miséricorde, mais la miséricorde se moque du jugement.

Po pǝ́ gɔ́m biŋ fá' mpá', pɔ pyǝ mco' myǝ a tǝ̂ dǝ mo gǝ́ ŋkwɔ á nê gɔ tí sá' wáp. Nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́ mo yǝ e ka lǝ́ cɔ́mmtso fyǝ́' á, pú tǝ̂ gɔ sɔ' cɔ́m mtso myǝ́ pǝ́; yəŋ kwɛ̂ gaǝ́ cɔ́mmtso tǝ̂ bwɔ́k fyǝ̀' pǝ̀.

Ntó' mɔ́de dzǝ̂mtɔ̂ ɔ, pǝ pǝ́ shɔ́mmtso mo tǝ́ dǝ́ é shyǝ́ sim. 

Bonjour et fructueuse semaine à tous.

o1/Nov/2022. PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (2 Co 6, 16b; 7,1)

Nous sommes, nous, le temple du Dieu vivant, comme Dieu l'a dit : Au milieu d'eux, j'habiterai et je marcherai, je serai leur Dieu et ils seront mon peuple. Puisque nous détenons de telles promesses, mes bien-aimés, purifions-nous nous-mêmes de toute souillure de la chair et de l'esprit; achevons de nous sanctifier dans la crainte de Dieu.

Pǝ̂ bǝ̂ tsɔ́kpǝ á kwa' to Cwyǝp Sî ntʉɔ̀, nǝ́pá' kwa' yʉ́ Síí lǝ ghɔm gaǝ̂ : Gaǝ̂ gɔ sɔ' cwǝ́, nǝ́ŋ ghiŋ cǝcǝ̌ pú; gaǝ̂ gɔ sɔ' pǝ́ Sî yǎp wáp nǝ́ŋ bǝ́ pɔ pǝ̌. Pâ'bǝ pǝ̌ wim ntî mka'nyǝ mɔ á, pɔkuŋ pǝ, kwa' wɔ́kpǝ wɔ́kpǝ, pǝ sɔ́k mviŋ bâpnǝ̂ ba mkwɛnyǝ nǝ́ pǝ̀; pǝ cyǝ́ m nǝ́ nǝ́ pwɔ̂k Sǐ, dónyǝ́ nǝ́ zhî pɔ dɔ̂lɔ̌. 

Buŋbuŋ Tyǝ̌'lá' guŋ pɔ dɔ̂lɔ̌ bí po nǝ́ yǝŋ cúsǝdê ntâmgǒ !

Bonjour et bonne fête de la Toussaint à tous !


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Mt 25, 31...36.40b)

En ce temps-là, Jésus disait à ses disciples : "Quand le Fils de l'homme viendra dans sa gloire, séparera les hommes les uns des dira à ceux qui seront à sa droite : "Venez, les bénis de mon Père, recevez en héritage le Royaume préparé pour vous depuis la fondation du monde. Car j'avais faim, et vous m'avez donné à manger; j'avais soif, et vous m'avez donné à boire ; j'étais un étranger, et vous m'avez accueilli ; j'étais nu, et vous m'avez habillé ; j'étais malade, et vous m'avez visité ; j'étais en prison, et vous êtes venus jusqu'à moi... Amen je vous le dis : chaque fois que vous l'avez fait à l'un de ces plus petits de mes frères, c'est à moi que vous l'avez fait."

A lə pə̌ cwəbɔ́ɔ, Yěsô ghɔ̂m bí pəŋkhʉ̂ pyə́ gaə̂ : "Cwəyə Mú mô gɔ tí sɔ' ntʉ́m ghámtə e á, ê gɔ haptə pɔmnəŋ pu' pʉə́, ghɔm bí pyə wáp ghə̂ŋtʉɔ é á gaə̂ : "Po sɔ́' m pɔkuŋ Tâ á, dzʉ́ Nəfo tsyə pú lə nyaptə bí po tə fə́ nə́zhì. Nə̂kə́lə́, jí lə pə̌ jɛ́ á po hâ yaə ywə́tsʉ́; ghâk á pə́ ŋkhə́ po hâ yaə shyə; n də pə̂ gʉɔ, po lə̂ á pəpúŋ; n də pə̂ soso e po kwâ dzə́ də̌m m̀; n də pə̌ go, po sɔ' shá' á; bə́ dyə̂cɛ̌ po sɔ̂' dé á... Kwa' nyə́nyɔ́ tə̂ gaə̌ wə́ síŋ wɔ́ : bǎcwəkə́lə́ yə po lə fa' pô' nə̂ mu' nə̂ pǒmkə́cɔ́k mshʉ́'jʉm pə pɔ á, po lə̂ fa' pâ' pə́ bə̂m."

Wénésǝdê tyǝ̌'pfô : tyǝ̌'lá' mpfaǝ́sí; mô mpfʉ̂ bǝ e ka pfʉ́. Pǝ ywɔ́k bú'bú bî Sǐ, ê há hwítǝ bí pú, wáp nyáp tsʉ' jâp yɔ́kpǝ̀ ! 

Bonjour et pueuse pensée pour tous ceux qui nous ont dévancés. 
Qu'ils reposent en paix !


VERSES OF THE DAY: Praise & Intercession.

Hear us, O God most excellent!

Blessed are you, Lord, who has given us the breath of life: give us life by your Spirit.
At the dawn of this day, arouse in us the desire to serve you: May our labours and our joys glorify you.
Before the snares of money and pride, _draw our eyes and guide our steps.
Make us sensitive to the needs of our brothers: Let our charity be inventive.

Good morning and a fruitful Thursday to all.



If our iniquities speak against us, act, O Lord, for your name's sake. Yes, our unfaithfulness has multiplied: against you we have sinned. You, Lord, are in our midst; your name is called upon us. 

Good morning everyone, and may the Lord grant you a sweet start to the weekend.




Dans la nuit de ce monde, le juste brillera. 

Heureux qui craint le Seigneur, qui aime entièrement sa volonté ! Sa lignée sera puissante sur la terre...Les richesses affluent dans sa maison... L'homme bien a pitié, il partage, il mène ses affaires avec droiture...Il ne craint pas l'annonce d'un malheur; le cœur ferme, il s'appuie sur le Seigneur...
A pleines mains il donne aux pauvres. A jamais se maintiendra sa justice, sa puissance et sa gloire !...

Ntyatǝ sîcâ' yǝŋ, mo dǝ́ŋdǝ̂ŋ gɔ sɔ' kyǝ'nyǝ ntʉ́m jʉ́m. 

Buŋtsê bǝ́ mo yǝ ê bwɔ́k Cyǝpɔ, bíŋ bǝ́ gíŋ kwa' pá' ê ŋkuŋ áá ! Ŋkhǝnyǝ ê gɔ sɔ' pə́ á pəmə̂cwó' sîcǎ'. Mtɔ̌kcyə̂ dó dyǝ́ é. 
Mo pǝpûŋ shɔ́m mtsò, bǝ́ gáptǝ́, bǝ́ shǝ́ŋ tsǝ̂ tsyǝ́ tə niŋ mfʉm nə́. Dʉmnwǝ tǝ̂ sɔ́ lâm tsyǝ́ pǝ́; ê sɔktʉ́m, bə́ jó' nǝ̂ e nǝ̂ Cyǝ̀pɔ̀. Ê ŋwa pǝ̂ bǔ bʉǝ́ tǝ́ há bî mpǝ̌ŋ. Nyǝ́nyɔ̂ e, gʉ̂' e ba ghámtǝ e ka lá' syáptə́ !

Buŋtsê bǝ́ mo yə ê nǝ̂ ghǝnwǝ bwɔ́k Sí, bwɔ́k ŋkà'. 
Buŋbuŋ sásǝdê ntâmdzǝ bí po lǝ́ o ! 

Bonjour et très paisible début de week-end à tous, sous la crainte du Seigneur.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Ps 89, 1...10)


Consolide Seigneur, l'ouvrage de tes mains. 

D'âge en âge, Seigneur, tu as été notre refuge...
Tu fais retourner l'homme à la poussière ; tu as dit : < Retournez fils d'Adam ! >
A tes yeux, mille ans sont comme hier. 
Tu les as balayés : ce n'est qu'un songe ; elle fleurit le matin, elle change ; le soir elle est fanée, déssechée. 
Le nombre de nos années ? Soixante dix, quatre-vingt pour les plus vigoureux !... 
Apprends-nous la vraie mesure de nos jours : que nos cœurs pénètrent la sagesse. 

Cyǝpɔ̂, ghǝ̂ mfa' nthǝ́bû mǔ pǝ̂mtǝ́ !

Tǝ fǝ́ gu'nǝgu', ó a bǝ̂ yɔ́k tsʉ' hwítǝ m Cyǝ̀pɔ̀. 
Ô gǝ momsuŋ phǝ̂nyǝ ntʉ́m vɔ́p; o lǝ ghɔ̌m gaǝ̂ : «Pǒ Ádàm, po phǝ́nyǝ́ !»
Ŋka' shâ' bǝ́ dzǝ̌ o shʉ́ pâ' yǒ. 
Ô ma' mnyǝ́ jɔ́ yá awɛ́ : â bǝ́ â sòbò jʉ̀m; â sɔm fɔ̂kdzʉ̌, saǝ́nyǝ́, bwâdzʉ̌ nǝ̂ pǝ̌ a pónyǝ̀, jǝ́m. 
Mgu'dzʉ̂ mɔ́kpǝ̂ bǝ́ dǝŋ gaǝ̂kǝ̀ ? Tǝ ŋka' mghâmsɔm, kǝ mghâm hɔ̌m lǝ̂ bí pǝ tâmtʉɔ á lǝ́ !
Zhí'tǝ́ wɔ́k nǝ́ zhyǝ̂ kwa' dǝŋ mtyǝ́'dzʉ̂ mɔ́k : ghǝ̌ mtʉ̂m mɔ́k tǝ́ŋnyǝ́ zhyǝ́nwǝ̀ ! 

Buŋbuŋ gap mɔ́de gɔ̂sʉɔ̌ bí po ! . 

Bonjour et fructueux début de semaine.



Bien-aimé, dis ce qui est conforme à l'enseignement de la sainte doctrine. Que les hommes âgés soient sobres, dignes de respect, pondérés et solides dans la foi, la charité et la persévérance. De même, que les femmes âgées mènent une vie sainte,  ne soient pas medisantes ni esclaves de la boisson, et qu'elles soient de bon conseil, pour apprendre aux jeunes femmes à aimer leurs maris et leurs enfants, à être raisonnables et pures, bonnes maîtresses de maison, aimables, soumises à leurs maris, afin que la parole de Dieu ne soit pas exposée au blasphème.

Mokuŋ â, ghɔm á ywə́ yə á pəmtə nə̂ zhǐ'nwə dɔ̂lɔ̌. Â shə́ŋ gaə̂ mghə́tsó pə́ jyə́ nə́ tɔ̂m nə̂ yap, bə́ pɔ bə wáp kù'nyə̀, bə́ jyə́ dəŋ nwə̀, bə píŋtʉ̂m yǎp lɛ́tə́, wáp tɔ̂m ŋkuŋnyə ba kaktʉɔ̀. Də́ŋdəŋ pó'o, â mcwə̌ bvo a jwǐ pə́ dɔ̂lɔ̌, tə pə̌ jwók ŋkó'nwə nwə nə́ mò, tə pǐŋ pu' bî mlù', bə́ buŋ pətɔ́k gogo nə́pá' wáp gɔ pə́ kuŋ mthə̂ páp pú a pô páp, nə́ sɛ̂nwə kwa' pəpúŋ bíŋ bə́ shwə́ tə mviŋ, jyə́ nə́ wim dyə̌ pəpúŋ, də́ ŋkuŋnyə shwə́, jú'nyə́ mthə̂ páp, bwɔ́k pá' pú shap ghɔm Sí.

Pǝ ywɔ́k nǝ́ yǝŋ cúsǝdê dzǝ̂mtɔ̌, dǝ́ â ŋkuŋnyǝ nǝ́ shwǝ́ ! 

Bonjour et fructueux mardi à tous.



Frères, vous êtes une maison que Dieu construit... Mais que chacun prenne garde à la façon dont il contribue à la construction... Ne savez-vous pas que vous êtes un sanctuaire de Dieu, et que l'Esprit de Dieu est en vous ? Si quelqu'un detruit le sanctuaire de Dieu, cet homme, Dieu le détruira car le sanctuaire de Dieu est saint, et ce sanctuaire, c'est vous.

Mfǝ̌mfǝ́, pô bǝ́ ta' pa' Sǐ né pǝ́wǝ́ ŋkwǝ́... Da'gaǝ̂ bǝwaǝ̌lǝ́ ghɔ̂ pɔ̂m yǝ ntî nǝ́ yâppǔ nǝ́... Po ka zhyǝ́ gaǝ́ pô bǝ́ ta' cwyǝp Sí, Zhwenyǝ Sí pîŋ bǝ́ shwǝ́ nǝ́ po a ? Mo pɔ̂ptǝ cwyǝp Sí, bǝ Sî gɔ láknyǝ́ é, nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́ cwyǝp Sî bǝ́ tsʉ' dɔ̂lɔ̌, cwyǝp yǝŋ pîŋ bǝ́ á wɔ́. 

Buŋbuŋ wénésǝdê ntâmgǒ bí po lǝ́ o !  

Bonjour et merveilleux mercredi à tous !



En ce temps-là, comme les pharisiens demandaient à Jésus quand viendrait le règne de Dieu, il prit la parole et dit : "La venue du règne de Dieu n'est pas observable... On vous dira : "Voilà, il est là-bas"!, ou bien, "Voici, il est ici"! N'y allez pas. N'y courez pas. En effet, comme l'éclair qui jaillit illumine l'horizon d'un bout à l'autre, ainsi le Fils de l'homme quand son jour sera là".

A lǝ pǝ̌ cwǝbɔ́ɔ, pá' pǝ farízya lǝ̌ wǝ́ hǝ́ŋtǝ́ Yésô tyǝ́' yǝ nǝfo Sí gɔ sɔ' á, e lǝ̂ ghɔm gɔ́m gaǝ̂ : ''Pǝ́ mo lǝ zhyǝ́ tyǝ́' yǝ nǝfo Sî gɔ sɔ' áá... Pû gɔ sɔ' ghɔm bí po gaǝ̂ : ''Ě yǝ m hee !'', kǝ m gaǝ́ ''Ě yǝŋ m hɔɔ''! lǝ̂. Po kǝ̂ ŋàknyǝ̀, po kǝ̂ khʉdʉ́ m wǝ́. Nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, dǝ́ŋdǝŋ pâ' sɛ bǝ́ ŋwɛ́ fǝ́ jʉɔ̂ hɔ, ŋkyǝ́' já' m jʉɔ̂ he á, â gɔ pǝ́ á kwa'pô' nǝ̂ cwǝyǝ tyǝ̌' Mú mo gɔ ku' áá. 

Ntó' fǝ́ tɔ́sǝdê tyǝ̌'pfô ɔ, mo nǝ̂ cwǝ̌ bǝ́ byáp. 

Bonjour et paisible jeudi. Que Dieu soit avec tous ceux qui voyagent aujourd'hui !



At that time Jesus said to his disciples, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People ate, drank, took wives and husbands until the day Noah entered the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all. And so it was in the days of Lot: they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom, there fell from heaven a rain of fire and brimstone, which destroyed them all; and so shall it be in the day that the Son of man shall be revealed.

Good morning and happy weekend to all!

A lǝ pǝ̌ cwǝbɔ́ɔ Yěsô ghɔ̂m bí pǝ̂ŋkʉ̂ pyǝ́ gaǝ̂ : ''Dǝ́ŋdǝŋ pâ' lǝ cyǝtǝ nǝ̂ mtyǝ̌'dzʉ́ Noê á, a pô' tǝ́ â gɔ sɔ' cyǝ nǝ̂ mtyǝ̌'dzʉ́ Mú mò. Pú lǝ̂ dzʉ́, nwǝ́, dɔ́mdyǝ́, shyá pó lɔ́m, tǝ ŋkǝ́m tyǝ́' yǝ Noê lǝ kǒ ntʉ́m kǝnú', dɔmnyǝ bǝŋ kâm  sí'nyǝ́ guŋ pǒtsǝ́. A lǝ pǐŋ bǝ́ á pô' nǝ̂ myǝ́ mtyǝ́'dzʉ́ Lɔ̂t : pú pǝ́ mpfaǝ́, nwǝ́, jó, fíŋŋ́, dzǝ́tsǝ́, ŋkwǝ́tǝ́ mpà'; da'gaǝ̂ tyə̌' yǝ Lɔ̂t lǝ tǝ̌m Sodɔ̂m á, bǝŋ mɔ̌k fí' fǝ́ kɛbǝŋ ntónyǝ́ wáp awɛ́ jwǝ́tǝ́; â gɔ sɔ' cyǝtǝ â dǝŋdǝŋ pô' tyǝ́' yǝ Mú mo gɔ' sɔ' la'tǝ nǝ̂ e áá.''

Pǝ tó' fǝládê shyǝ̂ŋkû' ɔ, bɔ́m nǝ́ kô dɔ̀mnyǝ̀ : nwǝ tǝ̌ ŋkà' pǝ̀.
Á Sǐ pfɔ́tǝ́ wɔ̂ booo ! 



Beloved, you act faithfully in what you do for the brethren, and especially for the strangers. In the presence of the Church, they have given witness to charity; you will do well to facilitate their journey in a manner worthy of God. For it was for his name's sake that they set out without receiving anything from the pagans. We must therefore support such men, to be co-workers with the truth.

Good morning and a peaceful weekend to all. 
May God have mercy on those who have led us astray, and keep all those who have accompanied them!

Múkùŋ à, ô fa' pə́ tə fɛjʉm cwəyə ô bə́ ŋkwítə́ mfə́mfə́, gɔ́m te' gɔ́m mghʉɔ̀. Wáp lě ntíŋnyə́ pə́ kwa' Dyə̂sǐ gámtə́ gʉ̂' ŋkùŋnyə̀ ò; nyaptə pá' wáp gɔ phənyə á, kwa'pá' pə́ á kû'nyə nə̂ Sǐ áá. Nə̂kə́lə́, tsô tsyə́ né lə ghə tə́ wáp tám mə̂jyə tə kwǐ sɔmywə́ bí pətəzhyə̌ Sí. Ǎ puŋ gaə́ pə kwítə́ ntî pɔ pá' wáp á, pə a pú pə́m də́ nyə́nyɔ́ fá'á !   

Á Sǐ  pfɔ́ptǝ́ wɔ́kpǝ nǝ́ yǝŋ sásǝdê dzǝ̂dzǝ, ŋkámtǝ́ pɔ pyǝ wáp támdzǝ á, biŋ dí dǝ́ pyǝ wáp gɔ tám mǝ̂jyǝ á, bhǝnyǝ gaǝ̂ yap yap yap jáp wáp mdyǝ̂ máp !


SHORT VERSES OF THE DAY : (2 Th 3, 10b-13)

If someone does not want to work, let him not eat either! Now we hear that there are some among you who live in idleness, doing nothing. To these we address this command and appeal in the Lord Jesus Christ: let them work quietly to eat the bread they have earned. As for you brothers, do not tire of doing good.

Good morning and a good start to the week to all

Mo pǝ̂ tǝ kuŋ nǝ́ fa' e kǝ̂ tsʉ̂ ba ywǝ́. Tǝ́ pyǝ̌ yú' gaǝ̂ shǝ́pɔ̌ cǝcǝ̌ po bǝ wáp kuŋ lúŋ, bǝ́ jwók dǝ́lák tǝ pǝ̌ fá' sɔmywǝ́. Pyǝ̌ wǝ́ dǝ́ tsó Cyǝpɔ Yéso Kristo shwí bí pú gaǝ́, wáp lǝ́ byányǝ́ fá', jyǝ́ á wáp gɔ tsʉ́ kwa' ywǝ́ yǝ wáp dǝ bû máp shǝ́ŋ áá. Mpá' wɔ́ â mfǝ́mfǝ́, ka po pwá nǝ́ tɔ̂m mfa' pǝpúŋ.

Shə́pɔ̂ jwók pé də́lák, də́ m mhɔ də́ m he ná' mtyǝ́' vʉ́ pá', mɔ́de sɛ̂su yǝ̌ŋ á tǝ sǒ ŋkú wáp. 


Father, let us see your love!

Grant that we may live together and be united.
Let the children come to you:
Your Kingdom belongs to those who are like them.
Give those who are preparing for the future _to build a just and fraternal world.
You ask us to love our enemies: 
Convert their hearts and ours.
Welcome your children into your eternal home:
May they see the sweetness of your face.

Good morning and a wonderful Tuesday to all!

Tâ, ghə̌ pyə yɔ́ ŋkùŋnyə̀ ò!

Tá yə ŋkuŋnyə ê bə á yɔ́m gá'bú, â shyə m nə́ Mûkuŋ o, pyə pə̂ mfə̌mfə́ :
Ghə̌ pyə cwə́ ntamtətamtə bíŋ bə́ ŋkwìshwə̀.
Ták pə̂ŋkʉ̌ wáp cʉɔ́tə́ m bə̌ŋ ò : Nəfo tsû bə́ bí pɔ pyə wâp hwə́ wáp lə. 
Há gaə́ pɔ pyə wáp wə́ nyáptə́ fɔ̂kdzʉ̌ á, kwə́ ta' guŋ nwə də́ŋdəŋ ba ŋkuŋnyə mfə̌mfə́.
Ô gɔm gaə́ pyə kúŋ mghɛbo pɔ́k :
Nə̂ sɔk tʉ̂m tsáp sɔ̂k ba tsɔ́k.
Lə pô pǔ dyə́ o yə â bə́ mama á, wáp yɔ́ pyanyǝ́ sǝ̂ ó. 

 Cyəpɔ ghə́ pə tɔ́mnyə́ bú, jwɔ́k cúsǝdê gɔ̂sʉɔ̂ ɔ, ntéshu jʉ̌m sǝ̂tʉ̌m !


SHORT VERSES OF THE DAY : (Tb 4, 15 ...19) 

What you do not like, do not do to anyone. Give bread to the hungry and clothing to the naked. Take advice from every wise person. In every way bless the Lord your God and ask him to make your paths straight. Keep these instructions in mind and let them not fade from your heart.

Good morning and a fruitful Wednesday to all.

Ywǝ́ yǝ o ka kúŋ á, kǝ̂ ghǝ yá nə̂ sɔmmò. Ghap ywǝ́tsʉ̂ ó hâ yǝ́ mo yǝ jǐ wǝ́ jɛ́ é á, biŋ ŋkwá dzǝ́ nǝ́ mo yǝ ě wǝ́ gíŋ né áá. Yú' ntɔ́knyə́ myǝ ta' jyǝ̂nǝ́ wǝ́ há bû áá. A pǝ̂ á gaǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, o há ghámtǝ bî Cyǝpɔ Sî o, bíŋ dó gaǝ́ ê ghǝ̂ mjyǝ mǔ pǝ́ dǝ́ŋdǝŋ. Lwɔ' mco' mɔ vǎm ǒ, â kǝ̂ nǝ̌ŋ dá' bvǝ́nyǝ́ ntʉ́m tʉ̂m tsǔ. 

Buŋbuŋ wénésǝdê dzǝ̂mtɔ̌ bí mtɛ̌sim Jo tyǝ́' ɔ ! 


SHORT VERSES OF THE DAY : (Lc 19, 41-44)

At that time, when Jesus was near Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it, saying: Ah, if you had known this day what gives peace! But now it has been hidden from your eyes. Yes, the days will come for you when your enemies will build siege works against you, surround you and press you on all sides; they will destroy you and your children who are in your house, and they will not leave one stone upon another, because you did not recognise the moment when God visited you."

Good morning and happy Thursday to all!

A lǝ pǝ̌ cwǝ ó, bǝ Yésó ghɔ tǝ bǝ́ ŋkó Yerúsálɛm, jɔ́ tísuŋ nǝ̂ lɔ nǝ́ gɔ́m gaǝ̂ : ''Bǒè ! pê' tǝ́ kwa' wu yaǝ́ pǝ́ ̵jyǝ́ ywǝ́ yǝ â há hwítǝ̀ ! Da'gaǝ́ tǝ ŋkǝ́m á cwǝlɔ, a yaǝ̌wǝ́ dʉ́mnyǝ́ mnyǝ́ ò. Éé, mtyǝ̌'dzʉ́ myǝ mghɛbo pǔ gɔ tǝ́ŋ msʉ́m nǝ tsám ó cú', hyányǝ́ ó mghǝ̂ŋmghǝ̌ŋ á wǝ́ sɔ́'ɔ́ ; wáp gɔ sí'nyǝ́ wɔ́ po a pô pǔ dyǝ́ ò,  tsa'tǝ tǝ nǝ̂ tǎk ô sɔm gwo' lǝ yaǝ́ dǝm yǝmú', nǝ́pá' o lě tǝ zhyǝ́ tyǝ́' yǝ Sǐ lǝ sɔ' nǝ́ ca' ó.''   

Pǝ nǝ̂ cwǝ̌ bǝ́ byáp : Sǐ kuŋ nǝ́ ca' wɔ́kpǝ á tɔ́sǝdê ntâmgô ɔ, bǝ sɔmywǝ́ tǝ̂ gɔ kɔ pǝ́. 



Sɔ́m ghɔm cwǝpuŋ tǝ̂ gɔ pə́ tə́m shwǝ̌ po pə́ ; da'gaǝ́ a pǝ̂ wǝ́ shǝ́ŋ, po té â ghɔm pǝpúŋ tsyǝ pǝ́ á nyáptǝ, bíŋ ŋwɛ́nyǝ́ dzǝ̌ pɔ pyǝ wáp wǝ́ jú' wɔ́ lǝ. Nǝ́ nyaptǝ tyǝ́' yǝ Sî gɔ há vɔk bí po á, â bǝ pú lě bvó mtiŋ Zhwenyǝ Dɔ̂lɔ̌ nǝ́ po : po kǝ̂ ghə̌ ê lá'á. Po pǝ́ shwǝ́ á tǝ sǝ̂m, tǝ kamshɛ, tǝ yɛ̌lúŋ, tǝ cɔ̌ktǝ́, tǝ capshwǝ̀, tǝ sə̂tʉ̌m. Po ghǝ́ á tʉ̂m pǝpûŋ ba pyányǝ cǝcǝ̌ po. Po wá' mhɔ cǝcǝ̌ wɔ́wɔ́, dǝ́ŋdǝŋ pâ' Sǐ lǝ cyǝ m nǝ̂ Krǐsto gwá' mhɔ mɔ́ áá.

Á Sî cɔ̂mdzə́nyə́ ywɔ́k níŋ byányə́ nə́ po nə́ yəŋ fǝládê tyǝ̌'pfô !

No evil word should come out of your mouth; but, if there is need, speak a good and constructive word, kind to those who hear you. In view of the day of your deliverance, you have received the mark of the Holy Spirit of God: do not thwart it. Remove from your lives all bitterness, anger, outbursts and insults, and every kind of wickedness. Be generous and tender with each other. Forgive one another as God has forgiven you in Christ.

 Good morning and a good start to the weekend to all!




Cyəpɔ̂ bə́ tâ guŋ pɔ awɛ́, bə ghámtə é ló kɛbə̀ŋ.
Waə̌ pâ' Cyəpɔ Sî yɔ́kpə â ? Ê shwə́ tə thə́ da'gaə́ bə́ bɔ́ nə̂ e dé kɛbəŋ ba sîcǎ'.
Ê nté pwáŋko ntʉ́m vɔ́p, nté bə́ŋ ntʉ́m və́, níŋ é cəcə̌ mkâmvʉ̂' pyə́. Ê níŋ ŋkîŋ mjwǐ dyə́ é, e zhí mə̂buŋtsě cəcə̌ pô pyə́.

Pǝ pɔ́m sásǝdê shyǝ̂ŋkǔ' yǝŋ tǝ̌ â púŋŋ́ ! Ywə́tsʉ́ sí'nyə́ gwya monəŋ shyə́ cúpú. 

The Lord rules over all peoples, his glory rules over the heavens.
Who is like the Lord our God?
He sits on high. But he lowers his gaze to heaven and earth.
From the dust he raises up the weak, he lifts up the poor from the ashes to sit among princes, among the princes of his people.
He sets the barren woman in her home, a happy mother among her sons. 

Good morning and fruitful weekend without excess, for the table has killed more men than the plague.



Yěsô lə pə̌ Dyə̂sǐ nə́ cwyatə, shwə́ má' mnyə́ jɔ́ pâ' mghɛtsə́ wə́ má' shwop ntʉ́m Kàk. E lə pǐŋ jɔ́ pâ' ta' ŋkəyo' mpfɔ̂k mjwǐ ma' tsə̂ bɛ pʉə́ Kak á gɔm gaə̂ : "Kwa' nyə́nyɔ́ tə̂ gaə̌ wə́ síŋ wɔ́ : ŋkəmnyə mpfɔ̌k yə̌ŋ ma' shyə́ guŋ pɔ awɛ́ nə̂kə́lə́, pyəshə́ pɔ awɛ́ ghɔ nə̂ du tsə̂ tsáp, syə́p á mûywə́ yə pə́ a lə kwítə́ wáp; sɔ́' mpá' yʉ́ á, e cwétə pʉə pə̂ŋ é, nté guŋ ywə́ yə a kə̂ shʉ́' bí í nə́ nə bvɔ́kɔ́ áá."

Gɛywə́ nə̂ cəŋnyə nə́ tsə̂ tsyə́, ntó' mɔ́de ntámdzǝ ɔ, bǝ́ jyə́ gaə̂ ŋkâ' bǝ́ á yɔ̂gɔ́, tǝ sɔmmo lǝ pǝ́ nǝ̂ ghɔ dǝ́ ywǝ́. 

At that time, as Jesus was teaching in the Temple, he looked up and saw the rich people putting their offerings into the treasury. He also saw a poor widow putting in two small coins. Then he said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all the others. For all these people, in order to make their offering, have taken from the superfluous, but she has taken from her poverty: she has put in all she has to live on."

Good morning, and a happy start to the week to all!



Cyǝpɔ Yésô, pyǝ̌ kam mkwí'tǝ́ dzǝ̌ ò

Wu yǝ o lǝ kuŋ wɔ́k tǝ míŋ á, ô bǝ́ dyǝ̂ kaktʉɔ̀, fo' pǝ píŋtǝmpfʉ́, mku'nyǝ̌ bû. 
Wu yǝ ô ŋké mghɛmhɔ lǝ́ gǝ wáp vɔ̂k á, mkunyǝ̌ bû. 
Wu yǝ ó tyǝ̂' ɔ há fʉ' píŋtʉ́m bí pyǝ á, mku'nyǝ̌ bû. 
Wu yǝ ô ntamtǝ mpfaǝ́sî pɔ́k nǝ̂ msyanyǝ gô' o á, mku'nyǝ̌ bû. 

Pǝ ywɔ́k dǝ́ â ŋkuŋnyǝ shwǝ́ nǝ́ yǝŋ cúsǝdê sɛ̂sǔ. 

Lord Jesus, we adore you.

You who loved us to the end, you are the source of courage, the model of martyrs, praise be to you.
You who call sinners and offer them life, praise be to you.
You who give us today the grace of faith, praise be to you.
You who associate our deceased brothers with the mystery of your passion, praise be to you. 

Good morning and a wonderful Tuesday to all!


SHORT VERSES OF THE DAY: (Lc 21, 12...19)

A lǝ pǝ̌ cwǝbɔ́ɔ Yěsô ghɔ̂m bí pǝ̂ŋkʉ̂ pyǝ́ gaǝ̂ : «Pû gɔ sɔ' támbú nǝ́ po nǝ́ŋ lǝ wɔ́ yɔ́gó'; pû gɔ tí sá' wɔ́ ntʉ́m msinagɔ̂gǝ nǝ́ŋ ma' wɔ́ cɛ́ mla' tsô tsaǝ̌... Kwa' mtâ pɔ́, mfǝ̂ pɔ́, tuŋdyǝ̂ yɔ̂ ba msô pɔ̂ gɔ tí fiŋ wɔ́, tǝ ghǝ̌ pú̈ zhwǝ́tǝ̂ shǝ́pɔ cǝcǝ̌ po. Guŋ pɔ awɛ́ gɔ tí pɔ wɔ́ mla' tsô tsaǝ̌. Tǝ̂ bâ ta' nǝŋ lǝ ghɔ́ pí thǝ́ po. Pǝ̂ kaktʉɔ yɔ́ nê gɔ tí ghǝ tǝ́ po vɔ́kɔ́.»

Buŋbuŋ wénésǝdê gɔ̂sʉɔ̌ bí po lǝ́ o ! 

At that time Jesus said to his disciples, "They will lay hands on you and persecute you; they will hand you over to the synagogues and prisons... You will even be handed over by your parents, your brothers, your relatives and your friends, and they will put some of you to death. You will be hated by everyone for my name's sake. But not a hair of your head will be lost. It is by your perseverance that you will keep your life."

Good morning and happy Wednesday to all!


SHORT VERSES OF THE DAY : (Ps 71-II, 12...19)

Cyǝpɔ̂ gɔ tí vɔk bǝ́ŋ yǝ ê nteŋ é â ba gɛghǝghʉɔ tǝco'nǝ̂ tsʉ'. 
Ê gɔ sɔ' sɔ́lám nǝ̂ pwǎŋko ba bǝ̌ŋ, bǝ̌ŋ yǝŋ yǝ ê nǝ́ŋ gǝ́ vɔ̂k. 
Bwǎnyǝ́ bî Cyǝpɔ Sî yɔkpǝ̀, da' yʉ́ nê ntɔ́m msyànyǝ̀. 
Bwǎnyǝ̂ tǝdhǝ pǝ́ nǝ̂ tsǒ ghámtǝ tsyǝ́, guŋ dǝmcǎ' ló nǝ́ ghámtǝ e ! Amen,  Amen.  

 Cyǝpɔ ghǝ́ pǝ ywɔ́k jú' â pǝpuŋ nǝ́ yǝŋ tɔ́sǝdê dzǝ̂mtɔ̌! 

The Lord will deliver the poor who call, and the needy who have no remedy.
He will care for the weak and the poor, for the poor whose lives he saves; their blood is of great price in his sight.
Blessed be the Lord our God, he alone does wonders. 
Blessed be his glorious name forever, all the earth shall be filled with his glory. 

Good morning and happy Thursday to all!


SHORT VERSES OF THE DAY : (Ps 120, 1-12)

Yaǝ zhûŋ fǝ́ bî Cyǝpɔ yǝ e lǝ ghǝ kɛbǝŋ ba cǎ'. 

Gaǝ̌ wǝ́ má' mnyǝ́ dé mkúŋ, tǝ yaǝ zhuŋ gɔ fǝ́ m hǝ́lǝ̂ ? 
Yaǝ zhûŋ gɔ fǝ́ bî Cyǝpɔ yǝ e lǝ ghǝ kɛbǝŋ pû cǎ'. 
Ê kɔ́ kwǝ ó nǝ́ tyà, á tâpɔ́m o pɔ́m nǝ́ tî ! 
Cyǝpɔ tâpɔ́m ò, Cyǝpɔ mpfɔ́ptǝ ô ntíŋnyǝ́ bǝ́ŋ ò. 
Pǝ̂ nam lǝ tyǝ́ ó mɔ́kcʉ́, pǝ́ mǝ́ŋwǝ́ lǝ nǝ́ŋ hwé ó ntyàtǝ̀. 
Cyǝpɔ̂ gɔ pɔ́mtǝ́ ó nǝ̂ guŋ cwǝpuŋ awɛ́, ê gɔ lwɔ' vɔk ó. 
Cyǝpɔ̂ gɔ pɔ́mtǝ́ ó cwǝ nǝ́ghɔ ba cwǝ nǝ́pìŋ, cwǝlɔ, ba nǝ̂ cwǝyǝ a tǝ́lá' mi á pǝ́. 

Buŋbuŋ fǝládê ntâmgǒ bí po lǝ́ o ! 

Help comes to me from the Lord who made heaven and earth.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains: from where shall my help come?
Help will come to me from the Lord who made heaven and earth.
Let him keep your foot from slipping, let him not sleep, your guardian...
The Lord, your guardian, the Lord, your shade, stands by you. 
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. 
The Lord will keep you from all evil, he will guard your life. 
The Lord will keep you, going and coming, now and forever. 

Good morning and a peaceful weekend to all!



A lə pə̌ cwəbɔ́ɔ, Yěsô síŋ pə̂ŋkhʉ̂ pyə́ gaə̂ : "Po nə̂ cwə̌ bɔ́m tʉ̂m tsɔ́ nə́ pwâ dzə̌ tsə̂ nwə̂nwə̌, bɔ́m nə́ pâm pú a nə́ nîŋ thə̂ yɔ́ nə́ də́kdák, tyə̌'dzʉ́ bɔ́ɔ sɔ̂' bvʉ́ də̌m po pâ' ŋkhəvʉ́m á tə po bə́wə́ byáp; â gɔ sɔ' pfyə də̂m guŋ pəcwə́ sîcǎ'. Po nə̂ cwə́ bə́ byáp nə́ŋ shwyə́'nyə́ Sí pə́ tə yâ', jyə́ á po wim gʉ̂' nəbvɔ́k guŋ mnwə myə á wə́ sɔ́' á, píŋ sɔ' tíŋnyə́ dzə̌ Mú mo pə̂ də́ŋdəŋ."

Pə nə̂ cwə̌ sásǝdê tyǝ̌'pfô ɔ bə́ byáp : mghǒ cwəlɔ ŋwák á pâ' shǔŋ á, nə́ŋ də́ pə́ tə̀ kèŋ.

At that time Jesus said to his disciples, "Be on your guard, lest your hearts become heavy with drinking and drunkenness and the cares of life, and that day fall on you unexpectedly like a net; for it will fall on all the inhabitants of the whole earth. Stay awake and pray at all times: in this way you will have the strength to escape all that is to come, and to stand before the Son of Man."

Good morning and a peaceful weekend to all!



La'tǝ ghámtǝ o bî guŋ pɔ awɛ́! 

Ghǝ̌ pɔ pyǝ poapú lǎm ju'tǝ́ á zhyǝ́ ó : á wáp yɔ́ vɔk ó bíŋ tsô tsǔ. 
Á pú cyányǝ́ Buŋŋkʉɔ nǝ̂ guŋ mtsʉ' awɛ́, jyǝ́ á guŋ pɔ awɛ́ tiŋ mjyǝ mǔ. 
Lǝ́ ŋkuŋnyǝ o sá vɔk yɔ́k, jyǝ́ á pyǝ lǝ puŋtʉ́m fa' bú u pǝ́ tǝ pwâ. 
Pɔ́mtǝ́ lǝpʉǝ yǝ o lǝ vonyǝ nǝ́ pyǝ á, â ghǝ́ pyǝ pǝ́ sɔ́lám nǝ́ mfǝ̂ pɔ́k. 
Cwǝyǝ o gɔ tí sɔ' nǝ́ sâ' pɔmtʉɔ ba mpfaǝ́sí á, lǝ cɔ́mmtso má' mnyǝ́ nǝ́ pyǝ. 

 Cyǝpɔ pfɔ́ptǝ́ wɔ́ ntʉ́m yǝŋ gap mɔ́de dzǝ̂dzǝ lǝ́ o ! 

Reveal your glory to all men! 

Make yourself known to those who have not met you: let them see your salvation and confess your name. 
Let the Gospel be proclaimed in every place, that all men may discover your way. 
Unfold your grace in our lives, that we may serve you with generosity and perseverance. 
Preserve in us the freedom you have awakened: may it make us attentive to our neighbour. 
When you appear to judge the living and the dead, look upon us with mercy. 

Good morning and a good start to the week to all!



Sɔ́' m Cyǝ̀pɔ̀, sɔ' bvɔ́k  wɔk! 

Vɔk yɔ́k, mŋaknyǝ mɔ̂k ba yɔk nǝ́pǝ̂ bǝ́ m bû, ví'nyǝ́ mku'nyǝ ba cɔ́mmtso ntʉ́m mtʉ̂m mɔ́k. 
Ô bǝ́ á bǝ̂ŋ bâwaǝ̌lǝ́ cǝcǝ̌ pyǝ, ghǝ̌ pɔ pyǝ wâp shǝ́ŋ ó á yɔ́ ó. 
Sô mpǝ̂ŋ ba dɔ́mdɔm pɔ pyǝ wâp shǝ́ŋ ó á, lǝ wɔ́k gǝ́ pǝcǝ̂ŋ lǝ̀pʉǝ̀, mcwiŋkʉɔ ŋwɛ́nyǝ̀ ò. 
Ô ŋkuŋ vɔ̀k, o latǝ ghǝ́ vʉ́ : té wɔ́k msǔŋ vʉ̂ màmà, wɔ́kpyǝ a pɔ pyǝ wáp lě ntámdzǝ áá. 

Buŋbuŋ cúsǝdê ntâmdzǝ bí po lǝ́ o ! 

In you we have life, movement and being; raise up praise and mercy in our hearts. 
You are close to each of us, show yourself to those who seek you. 
Friend of the poor and comforter of those who suffer, make us artisans of liberation, messengers of your joy. 
You love life and did not create death: deliver us and those who have gone before us from eternal death. 

Good morning and a wonderful Tuesday to all!



Mfǝ̌mfǝ́, po tǝ̂ jaǝ mghʉɔ kǝ mcyǝjyǝ pǝ́, pô bǝ́ pó á tǝ̂m dɔ̂lɔ̌, pǒ tuŋdyǝ́ Sí nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, â bǝ pú lě níŋ wɔ́ tǔŋ pǝkwǝ́ pa' yǝ cyǝ̂ ê jó'nyǝ́ nǝ́ Mcwiŋkʉɔ pú a mghǎmdó', gwo' phǝ́pa' nǝ́ŋ bǝ́ á kwa' Yéso Krǐsto áá. Â shyǝ m nǝ́ ê guŋ pa' tǝ́msí munyǝmunyǝ, jí cwyǝp dɔ̂lɔ̌ dzǝ̂ Cyǝ̀pɔ̀. A kwî' shyǝ́ â m nǝ́ ê ba wɔ̂ yɔ́ zhí tsǝ̂ nǝbǝ́m, pó'o shyǝ́ m nǝ̂ Zhwenyǝ Dɔ̂lɔ̌ jí tsʉ'shwǝ́ Sí.

Po ywɔ́k pǝpúŋ nǝ́ yǝŋ wénésǝdê sɛ̂sǔ! 

You are no longer strangers and sojourners, but citizens of the holy people, members of the family of God, for you have been incorporated into the building which has the Apostles and the Prophets as its foundation, and the cornerstone is Christ himself. In him, the whole structure rises harmoniously to become a holy temple in the Lord. In him you too are part of the building, so that through the Holy Spirit you may become the dwelling place of God.

Good morning and a very pleasant Wednesday to all!


SHORT VERSES OF THE DAY : (Jc 5, 7-8.9b) 

Mfǝ̌mfǝ́, po pǝ̂ byáp Cyǝpɔ po kǝ̂ lǒ'nyə́. Po lé dzʉ̂'ne tǝ́ jɔ́ : e tǝ̂ bǝ́ byáp mtʉɔdǝŋ tsǝ́ tsyǝ ê dǝ dǝm ne á dó'nyǝ́ pǝ́, tǝ ŋkǝ́m cwǝ yǝ ê dǝ dzǝywǝ̂ ba mlaktǝ myǝ́ áá. Lǝ̂ ba wɔ̂ yɔ́, po cwǝ́ á tǝ lo'nyǝ̀, nǝ́ŋ ntɔ́m tʉ̂m tsɔ́ nǝ̂kǝ́kǝ́, cwǝ yǝ Cyǝpɔ gɔ nwak á wǝ́ nɔ́tǝ́. Po lé tǝ́ jɔ́ : fyǝ'shɛ̌  ŋwak todyǝ́ pǝ̀. 

Buŋbuŋ tɔ́sǝdê gɔ̂sʉɔ̌ bí po lǝ́ o !

Brethren, as you await the coming of the Lord, be patient. See the farmer: he waits patiently for the precious produce of the earth, until he has harvested the first and the last crop. Be patient and steadfast, for the coming of the Lord is near. See: the Judge is at our door.

Good morning and happy Thursday to all.



 bə́ dzə̂ Cyəpɔ, ta' tyə̌'dzʉ́ pə́ shwə́ pâ' mgu' shǎ' á, mgu' shǎ' pîŋ bə́ shwə́ pâ' ta' tyə̌'dzʉ́ áá. Cyəpɔ tə̂ dzonyə nə́ tɔ̂m mka'nyə myə́ pâ' shə́pɔ̂ ŋkwɛ á pə́ ; â du á nə́ thə̂ yɔ́ tə́ e lə pə́ dó'nyə́ ; nə̂kə́lə́, e ka píŋ nə́ tâk gaə̂ shə́pɔ tə́m nə́ po bí ; ê shə́ŋ m gaə̂ bəwaə̌lə́ wím cwə nəbʉɔ́ tʉ̂m tsyə́.

Bapâ' Cyəpɔ tə̂ dó'nyə́ á, pə ló'nyə́ shə́ jyə bî mcǔŋ nǝ́ yǝŋ fǝládê dzǝ̂mtɔ̌!

To the Lord, one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day. The Lord is not late in keeping his promise, as some people think; it is for your sake that he is patient: for, he does not agree to let some be lost; but he wants all to have time to be converted.

 Good morning and a peaceful start to the weekend to all.



Israɛ̂l, cǝŋtǝ jú' : Cyǝpɔ Sî yɔkpǝ̂ bǝ́ da' dǒ é. Ô gɔ kuŋ Cyǝpɔ Sî o nǝ̂ guŋ tʉ̂m tsǔ, nǝ̂ guŋ ghɛnyǝ ô ba nǝ̂ guŋ yu gʉ̌'. Mco' mɔ e gaǝ̌ wǝ́ há bû tyǝ́' ɔ á, ó gɔ vó má nə́ tʉ̂m tsǔ. Ó gɔ pǝ́ cwi'tǝ má lǝ́ cwi'tǝ bî pôsǝm pǔ, piŋ pǝ́ kámtǝ́ má dǝŋtyǝ́', kǝ ǒ m dyǝ̌ o, kǝ m ŋkǝ́kà, kǝ ǒ m kǒlwɔ́k, kǝ ǒ lu á kó lǝ̂.

Ywɔ́k ŋkámtǝ́ sásǝdê ntâmgô ɔ gaǝ́, o pə̂ á kólwɔ́k, kə bə́ â m pě lə̂, o zhyǝ́ nǝ́ cwâfʉ̌. 

Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is the One. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments which I give you today shall remain engraved in your heart. You shall repeat them to your sons; you shall repeat them continually, at home or on your journey, whether you lie down or rise up. 

Good morning and a peaceful weekend to all.


Word of God : (1 Th 5, 9b-10)

Sǐ la tǝ̂ shwó' wɔ́kpǝ gaǝ́ pǝ pə́ jɛ́lúŋ pǝ́; a lǝ̂ bǝ́ m gaǝ́ pǝ cyǝ́ m nǝ̂ Cyǝpɔ yɔkpǝ Yéso Krǐsto ŋkó ntʉ́m vɔ̀k, yʉ́ yǝ e lǝ pfʉ̌ nǝ́ thǝ̂ yɔ́kpǝ nǝ́ gǝ gaǝ́ papú pǝ́m bvɔ́k, kǝ cwǝyǝ pǝ̌ wǝ́ dí á, kǝ cwǝyǝ pǝ tǝ̌ wǝ́ dí á lǝ̂.

Pə ghyə́ lɔmnyə́ gho ntʉ́m yǝŋ gap mɔ́de shyǝ̂ŋkǔ', â Sǐ té wɔ́kpə msûŋ vʉ̌.

God has not destined us for wrath, but to come into the possession of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us, so that we may live with him whether we are watching or sleeping.

Good morning, and happy start to the week.


SHORT VERSES OF THE DAY : (1 Co 1, 7b - 9)

Pǝ̌ wǝ́ byáp nǝ́ yɔ̂ pâ' Cyǝpɔ yɔkpǝ Yéso Kristo gɔ la'tǝ nǝ́ e áá. Yʉ́ nê gɔ sɔ' ghǝ tǝ́ pǝ tɔ́m mama gíŋ tǝ ŋkó, bíŋ bǝ́ tǝbya nǝ̂ tyǝ̌' Cyǝpɔ yɔkpǝ Yéso Krǐstò. Nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, Sî bǝ́ tǝfɛjʉ̀m, yʉ́ yǝ e lǝ kě wɔ́kpǝ gaǝ́ pǝ a Mû e pǝ́ shwǝ́ ntamtǝtamtǝ áá. 

 ŋkuŋnyǝ Sǐ ywɔ́k ntámtǝ́ wɔ́kpǝ nǝ́ yǝŋ cúsǝdê dzǝ̂dzǝ boo ! 

We are waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is he who will make us stand firm to the end, and we will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. For God is faithful, who has called us to live in communion with his Son. 

Good morning and happy Tuesday to all!


SHORT VERSES OF THE DAY : (Mt 11, 28-30)

Yěsô lə lə̂ ghɔm cwə bɔ́ɔ : "Po sɔ́' bə̂m, guŋ wɔ́ pyə ŋkə̌m wə́ dzaə́ wɔ́ á, â n há hwítə bí po. Po mâ' yaə kə́ló' ntúŋ po; po zhí pə̂ŋkʉ̂ pə̌ nə̂kə́lə́, â bə gaə̌ pyányə́ bíŋ bə́ də́ nə̂ a sí; po ghə pô' bə ghɛnyə yɔ̂ gɔ yú' hwítə̀. Éé, yaə kə́ló' ka tʉɔ́ nə́ kwà; ŋkəm á tə̂ dzaə pə́."

Buŋbuŋ wénésǝdê ntâmdzə bí po lə́ o ! 

At that time Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who labour under a burden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and become my disciples, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy to bear, and my burden light."

 Good morning and a wonderful Wednesday to all.


SHORT VERSES OF THE DAY : (Ps 126, 1-2.5)

Kə pə yaə̌ á thə́, kə pə̌ pfʉ́pfʉ́ lə̂, pə̂ bə́ â da' bî Cyə̀pɔ̀ ! 

Cyəpɔ cyətə yǎp pú nǝ̂ pa', bə bə̂mpa' bó pə̂ ně; Cyəpɔ cyətə pyǎp tísuŋ, bə mpyǎptsʉ' ne bô yáp pó.
Ô dó'nyə́ tǝ shyə́ dzʉ́, ŋkə́ŋnyə́ nə́ hwítə̀, dzʉ́ cəŋ ghə̀ghʉɔ̀ : pô' Sǐ nǝ́ŋ bǝ́ ŋkwíŋ mokuŋ e ntʉ́m lwɔ́k.
Buŋtsê bə́ mûjɛnə́ yə é su ntî mkɔ mɔ ntʉ́m bvɔ̂ e ! Pú a mghɛbo páp yu', bə pə̂ sǒ lə kú wáp. 

Buŋtsě tɔ́sǝdê sɛ̂sû ɔ, bə́ mo yə ě zhyə́ nə́ cə̂jyə bî bɔ̀nyǝ̀, bɔ́mtǝ́ mfǝ̂ pyǝ́, tə ywǝ́ lə nǝ̂ kam sɔm bə é zhyǝ́ nwǝ nǝ́. 

Whether we live or die, it is for the Lord.

Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain; unless the Lord guards the city, the guards watch in vain.
In vain you go before the day, you delay the time of your rest, you eat the bread of sorrow; God fills his beloved when he sleeps.
Blessed is the valiant man who fills his quiver with such weapons.
If they face their enemies in the square, they will not be humiliated.

Good morning and happy Thursday to all.



Buŋtsê bə́ mo yə ê jó' nə̂ e nə̂ Cyə̀pɔ̀.

Buŋtsê bə́ mo yə pú a bâpbáp pɔ tə̂ ŋwanyə, mo təpə̌ dzə́ mkwə pɔ̀ cwə̀pùŋ, pú a pə kó'suŋ lə pə́ páp, da'gaə́ bə́ ŋwɛ́nyə́ nə̂ mco' Cyəpɔ, bíŋ bə́ jʉ́m má mɔ́kcʉ̂ bà ntyàtə̀.
Ê shwə́ pá' shʉɔ̂thə̂ bə pú pá kə́ŋshyə, a pə́ jám cwəyə ǎ cə́ŋ á, mhwə myə́ pə́ shwə́ â mimnyəmimnyə ; e tô' bəyə́ kə́lə́, bə â shwə́ míŋ â pəpúŋ.
A tə pô' bí mò cwə̀pùŋ pə̀.
Nə́pá' wâp shʉ pâ' yəmtə́ mghé myə fəfǎ kwa nə́ gɔ.
 bə Cyəpɔ̌ zhyə́ jyə pɔ də́ŋdəŋ, da'gaə́ mə̂jyə pɔ cwəpuŋ pə́ gɔ sɔ' kəm.

Buŋbuŋ fǝládê gɔ̂sʉɔ̌ bí lâ'lǎ' ! 

A / Blessed is the man who puts his faith in the Lord.

Blessed is the man who does not enter into the council of the wicked, who does not follow the path of sinners, who does not sit with those who sneer, but delights in the Lord and whispers his law day and night.
He is like a tree planted by a stream, and its leaves never die;
whatever he undertakes will succeed. Such is not the fate of the wicked.
But they are like chaff blown away by the wind.
The Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will be lost.

Good morning and a good start to the weekend to all.



Cyǝpɔ Yésô, sɔ'ɔ́ ! 

Ghǝ̌ pyǝ lǝ́ tɔ́mnǝ́, dǝ́ŋdǝŋ ba tǝfɛjʉm ŋkwíntɛ́ mɔktǝ yɔk ntʉ́m yǝŋ dzʉ̌. 

O lǝ̂ sɔ' nǝ́ zhwyǝ́tǝ pɔ pyǝ wáp wǝ́ jwíŋ : ghǝ̌ pyǝ pǝ́ shɔ́mnyǝ́ mghǝghʉɔ mɔ́k. 

Nǝ́ pyâp tyǝ́' yǝ ô gɔ sɔ' sá' pɔmtʉɔ ba mpfaǝ́sí á, lǝ cɔ́mmtso o ntǝ́mtǝ́ wɔ́k, gǝ́ pyǝ nǝ̂ cwǝ̌ bǝ́ byáp. 

A Cyǝpɔ ywɔ́k bɔ́mtǝ́ wɔ́ sásǝdê dzǝ̂mtɔ̂ ɔ, nté wɔ́ nǝ̂ dǝ́dák. 

Come, Lord Jesus!

Grant that we may live in this world with sobriety, justice and fervour, bearing witness to our hope.
You have come to comfort the brokenhearted; grant that we may share one another's sorrows.
In view of the day when you will judge the living and the dead, may your forgiveness lift us up and keep us vigilant.

Good morning and a peaceful weekend to all.


SHORT VERSES OF THE DAY : (Ps 24, 4...9)

Cyəpɔ̂, la'tə á jyə nǝŋkǝ́m nǝ́ ò !

Cyəpɔ̂, la'tə á mjyə mǔ, gə̂ n jyə́ mə̂jyə̀ ò.
Lə nyə́nyɔ̂ o shím á, zhí'tə́ á, nə̂kə́lə́, ô bə́ Sí yə ê bvɔk á.
Cyəpɔ̂, kámtə̂ yu pyányə̀, ŋkuŋnyə o yə â bə́ màmà.
Gʉ̂'pâ' bə ó puŋtʉ́m á, kə̂ tʉɔnyə á ntʉ́m ŋkuŋnyə o m Cyə̀pɔ̀.
Cyəpɔ̂ bə́ də́ŋdəŋ, bə é puŋtʉ́m, yʉ́ yə ê da'tə jyə bí pɔ̀ cwə̀pùŋ. Nyə́nyɔ̂ ê ntə́mtə́ pələnə́sí, ê gyə́' mə̂jyə e bí pələnə́sí.

Buŋbuŋ gap mɔ́de tyǝ̌'pfô bí po lǝ́ o ! 

Lord, make me know your way!

Lord, teach me your ways, make me know your path.
Lead me by your truth, teach me, for you are the God who saves me.
Remember, Lord, your tenderness, your love that is always.
In your love, do not forget me, because of your goodness, Lord.
He is upright, he is good, the Lord, who shows the sinner the way.
His justice directs the humble, he teaches the humble his ways.

Good morning and a pleasant start to the week to all.



Pyǝ̌ pú'bú m Cyǝpɔ ghámtǝ̀ !

Cyǝ m nǝ́ pǝpíŋtǝmpfʉ́ pyǝ wáp lǝ pǐŋ nǝ́ pfʉ̂ nǝ́ ŋkwíŋntɛ́ píŋtʉ́m á, 
_ há zhwenyǝ lǝpʉǝ bí pyǝ. 
Cyǝ m nǝ́ pǝpîŋtǝmpfʉ́ pyǝ wáp lǝ pfyǝ mcyǝ̂ máp nǝ́ shyányǝ́ tsô tsǔ á, 
_ há gʉ̂' píŋtʉ́m bí pyǝ. 
Cyǝ m nǝ́ pǝpîŋtǝmpfʉ́ pyǝ wáp lǝ tsǝ ó mǝ̂jyǝ bɛnyǝpɛnyǝ á, 
_ hâ yɔ́k kaktʉɔ cwǝ̀ mlǝ̀ŋtǝ̀. 
Cyǝ m nǝ́ pǝpîŋtǝmpfʉ́ pyǝ wáp lǝ sɔk mdzǝ̂ máp ntʉ́m mcyǝ Mûjʉ Sǐ á, 
_ gǝ̌ pyǝ tʉɔ́ shyǝ mlǝŋtǝ sîcâ' ɔ. 

Buŋbuŋ cúsǝdê shyǝ̂ŋkǔ' bí po lǝ́ o ! 

We acclaim you, Lord of glory!

Through the martyrs who have accepted to die for the faith,
give us the spirit of freedom. 
Through the martyrs who were willing to shed their blood to confess your name,
Give us the strength of faith.
Through the martyrs who followed you on the way of the cross
strengthen us in our trials. 
Through the martyrs who washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb 
make us overcome the temptations of this world. 

Good morning and a wonderful Tuesday to all!


SHORT VERSES OF THE DAY: (Lc 7, 18b...23)

A lǝ pǝ̌ cwǝbɔ́ɔ, Zhâŋ Hâshyǝ tǝ́m pǝ̂ŋkʉ̂ pyǝ́ pǝ́pʉǝ́ gaǝ́ wáp ghɔ́ hǝ́ŋ Yěsô gaǝ̂ : «Ô bǝ́ mo yǝ ě wǝ́ sɔ́' á, kǝ̌ pyǝ pyáp â mu' mò ?»... 
A tó' cwǝ ó, Yěsô yɛ̂ mgho nǝ́ pɔ tǝ jɔ́m, jɛ́ mkò'tǝ̀, jɛ́ pɔ pyǝ a lǝ̂ bǝ mzhwenyǝ cwǝpǔŋ kwǝ́ wáp á, biŋ gǝ̂ mghɛfʉ tǝ jɔ́m yɔ̂tsʉ'. E lǝ pǐŋ ba' bî mghɛntǝ́m pɔ gaǝ̂ : «Po ghɔ́ síŋ Zhâŋ ywǝ́ yǝ po jɔ́ bíŋ jú' áá : mghɛfʉ wǝ́ jɔ́tsʉ', mko'tǝ pǝ́wǝ́ gíŋŋ́, mghɛka'pǎp lɔ́, bǔ'mtǝ̂ŋ yû'nwǝ̀, mpfaǝ́sí yámnǝ̂vʉ̌, mpǝ̌ŋ yû' Ŋkʉɔ Pǝpúŋ. Buŋtsě sí bǝ́ mo yǝ e tǝ gɔ kotǝ á mla' mǝ̌ ! 

Buŋbuŋ wénésǝdê dzǝ̂dzǝ bî mfǝ̌mfǝ́ ! 

At that time, John the Baptist sent two disciplines to the Lord: "Are you the one who is coming, or should we wait for another?
At that time Jesus healed many people of their diseases, their infirmities and the evil spirits with which they were afflicted, and to many who were blind he granted sight. Then he said to the messengers, "Go and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor receive the Good News. Blessed is he who will not sin for my sake!"

 Good morning and a peaceful Wednesday to all!



Sɔ́' m Cyǝpɔ Yésô, sɔ́' m nyǝ́nyɔ̂ Sǐ !

Wu yǝ mghǎmdó' lǝ phǝ̌ gaǝ́ pú gɔ tsǝ́ ó á, 
ghǝ̌ ywǝ́ yǝ o biŋ ntwóp nǝ́ pyǝ á kwyǝ́. 
Wu yǝ o lǝ sɔ' nǝ́ yɛ mtʉ́m myǝ á wǝ́ jwíŋ á, té pɔ pǔ nǝ̂ mzhwîŋ máp. 
Wu yǝ o lǝ sɔ' nǝ́ hap mla' dǝmcǎ' pú a Sǐ á, kǝ̂ tǐ dǝ́ mhɔ ntám wɔ́k tyǝ́' yǝ ô gɔ sɔ' fyǝ' monǝŋ áá. 

Pǝ ló gaǝ̂ Sǐ támdzǝ nǝ́ yǝŋ tɔ́sǝdê ntâmdzǝ. 

Come Lord Jesus! Come, justice of God!

You whose birth the prophets announced, strengthen what you bring to life in us.
You who came to heal contrite hearts, free your people from their sorrows.
You who came to reconcile the world to God, when you come to judge, do not condemn us.

Good morning and happy Thursday to all!



La'tǝ ghámtǝ o bî guŋ pɔ awɛ́ !

Cyǝpɔ̂, la'tǝ nǝ́ o bí pɔ pyǝ wáp lětǝ tíŋ ó : â vɔk ó kyǝ́' wáp. 

Á tsô tsǔ ghɔ́ tǝ ŋkǝ́m nǝ̂ guŋ bhǝ́dzʉ́ dǝmcǎ', â ghǝ̂ guŋ pɔ awɛ́ zhyǝ́ mpimjyǝ mǔ. 

Wu yǝ o lǝ zhi sɔ́' nǝ́ vɔk dǝmcǎ' á, piŋ sɔ́' dónyǝ́ fa' tsǔ. 

Wu yǝ ô shǝ́ŋ gaǝ́ monǝŋ wím lǝpʉǝ á, tɔk mkǝ́ló' myǝ â shǝ́nyǝ́ wɔ́k. 

Wu yǝ pú lǝ tsǝ̌ ó ntʉ́m bâpnǝ̂ yɔk, bíŋ bǝ́wǝ́ gɔ́ sɔ' nǝ́ fyǝ' monǝŋ á, lǝ mpfaǝ́sí ŋkó nǝ̂ mcwǒ'fà' màmà. 

Buŋbuŋ fǝládê sɛ̂sǔ bí po lǝ́ o ! 

Reveal your glory to all men!
Reveal yourself, Lord, to all those who have not recognised you: may your salvation enlighten them!

Let your name be carried to the ends of the earth, so that all men may discover your paths.

You who have already come to save the world, come again, complete your work. 

You who have called us to freedom, undo the bonds that bind us. 

You who were born in our flesh and will come again for judgment, lead the dead to eternal reward. 

Good morning and a happy start to the weekend to all oo 



Sɔ' bvɔ́k pɔ pǔ m Cyǝ̀pɔ̀.

Wu yǝ o lǝ ka'nyǝ ta' Ntǝ̂msî nwǝ dǝ́ŋdǝŋ bí pɔ pǔ á, ghǝ gaǝ́ hwítǝ sá' gô shù. 
Lǝ́ Zhwenyǝ ó gǝ́ pyǝ twóp m sǝ́; lǝ wɔ́k gíŋ tǝ ŋkǝ́m nǝ́ cɔ́mmtsò ò.
Há tʉ́m tsyǝ pǝ́ a yû' nwǝ á bí pyǝ̌, â nyáptǝ́ wɔ́k nǝ́ yû' Ghɔm tsǔ. 
Piŋ ŋkwí' gʉ̂' yɔk m Sî buŋtʉ̌m, tǝ ŋkǝ́m tyǝ́' yǝ Cyǝpɔ Yéso Krǐsto gɔ sɔ' áá.

Cyǝpɔ̂, ghɔ́ jwɔ́k nǝ́ yǝŋ sásǝdê gɔ̂sʉɔ̌, há tʉ́m tsyə pə́ á yû'nwə á bí pyə ! 

Save your people, Lord! 

You who promised your people a Messiah of righteousness, bring peace where there is war.
Renew us by your Spirit, lead us to meet your mercy. Give us a listening heart, that we may be ready to hear your Word.
Strengthen us, gracious God, until the day when the Lord Jesus Christ comes.

Good morning and a sweet weekend to all.




Sɔ́' m Cyəpɔ Yésô, sɔ́' m gwyà vɔ̀k !

Ǎ puŋ gaə̂ dəmcǎ' lə́ ó m gwya nwə dəŋdə̀ŋ, á ghámtə o cwə́ nə́ câ' tsɔ́k. 
A lě shyə m nə̂ ŋkuŋnyə o nə́ pyə, o zhyə̂ yǔ pwâ yə â bə́ nə́ wɔ́k pɔ̀mnə̀ŋ; lə gʉ̂' Sǐ yə â bə ó ghə á nə ŋkwítə́ mònə̀ŋ.
Ghə̂ ŋkyə'nyə zhyə̌nwə ó kyə́' pɔ pyə â bə jʉ̂m kəkʉɔ̌ kwə́ wáp.
A lě shyə m nə̂ yu lənə́sí, o lə̂ mfʉm mɔ́k gə̂ mǔ; pá' ǒ ntʉ́m ghámtə cwəlɔ á, níŋ byányə̂ ó nə́ pyə.
Ô gɔ tí la'tə nə̂ o cwə jʉɔjʉm sǎ'; lə mpfaə́sî pɔ́k gíŋ tə ŋkó ntʉ́m Nəfo kɛbə̀ŋ.

Sɔ́' m Cyə̀pɔ̀ ! Sɔ' ntʉ́m yǝŋ gap mɔ́de ntâmgǒ, síŋ wɔ́k thǝ̂ nǝntǝ́m ! 

Come Lord Jesus, come seed of life! 

Let the world receive you, seed of justice, and let your glory dwell in our land.
In your goodness to us, you shared our human weakness; grant men the help of your divine power.
Make your knowledge shine upon those whom you see trapped in the darkness of ignorance.
By your humiliation you have taken upon yourself our unrighteousness; now entered into glory, give us a share in your blessing.
You will manifest yourself by coming to judgment: lead our departed brethren to your heavenly kingdom. 

Good morning and a glorious week to all.



Po kǝ̂ pǝ̌ já'shɛ tǝ wɛ fyǝ́'ǝ́; da'gaǝ́ po pyáp gaǝ̂ Cyǝpɔ sɔ́'ɔ́, nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, ê gɔ kyǝ' ywǝ́ yǝ â bǝ pú tʉm tǝ ntʉ́m jʉ́m á, piŋ ghǝ̌ pú zhyǝ́ mkwɛnyǝ myǝ á tǝ ntʉ́m ntúŋ lǝ. Áá pǝ́ pô'ó, Sǐ hâ yǝ ghámtǝ bǝyá mo á bí í.

Buŋbuŋ wénésǝdê shyǝ̂ŋkǔ' bî guŋ mfǝ̌mfǝ́ !

Do not judge prematurely, but wait for the coming of the Lord, for he will bring to light what is hidden in the darkness, and he will reveal the secret intentions. Then the praise that is due to everyone will be given to him by God.

Good morning and a wonderful Wednesday to all!


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : : (Ml 3, 23... 24)

Cyǝpɔ Sǐ ghɔm gaǝ̂ : Ǎ yǝŋ m bǝ́wǝ́ shyá dimŋkʉɔ a gaǝ́ ê nyáptǝ́ jyǝ bǝ̂m; mûdâ' Cyǝpɔ yǝ pó a shǝ́ŋ é sɔ́' ŋkó Cwyǝ̌p é... Gaǝ́ gɔ cya gámdó' Elî bí po tǝ̂ tyǝ̌' Cyǝpɔ ŋwákǝ́, mǝ̂ tyǝ̌' pwɔ̂k. Ê gɔ ghǝ̂ mtǎ píŋ sɔ́lám nǝ́ pô páp, â ba lǎm pó píŋ sɔ́ nǝ́ mtâ páp, bwɔ́k pâ' gaǝ sɔ' má' do cwəpuŋ ntʉ́m gùŋ.

Á hwítǝ Cyǝpɔ pǝ́ m wɔ́ nǝ́ yǝŋ fǝládê ntâmdzǝ lǝ́ o ! 

Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I send my messenger to prepare the way before me; and suddenly the Lord whom you seek will come to his temple. I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their sons, and the hearts of the sons to their fathers, so that I will not come and strike the land with a curse.

Good morning and a peaceful start to the weekend to all!



Sɔ' bǝ́ m wɔ́k m Emánwɛ̂l ! 

Ô Krǐstò, wu yǝ o lǝ sɔ̌' pǝ pǝ́ shwǝ́ á, pʉ́'tǝ́ wɔ́k bíŋ ntwóp wɔ́k m sǝ́ nǝ́ gǝ múhwǝ́ ò. 

Wu yǝ pú lǝ tsǝ̌ ó gaǝ́ ô sɔ' síŋ Buŋŋkʉɔ bí monǝŋ á, hâ yɔk píŋtʉ́m dǝŋ nǝŋkwí yá. 

Pyǝ̌ wǝ́ sʉ́m nǝ́ yɔ̂ sǝ̂ ó : ghǝ̌ pyǝ ŋwɛ́nyǝ́ pâ' da'dǎ' pú tsǝ́ ó. 

Bwǎnyǝ́ bû, nǝ́pá' ô sá' guŋ pǒtsǝ́ : ghǝ̌ pyǝ pǝ́ mɔ́ktǝ́ nǝ́ sɔ' ŋkó ntʉ́m ŋkyǝ̀'nyǝ̀ ò. 

Buŋbuŋ sásǝdê sɛ̂sǔ bí po lǝ́ o ! 

Be with us, Emmanuel!

O Christ, who has come to share our lives, lift us up, remould your image in us. 

You who were born into the world to tell men the Gospel, give us enough faith to accept it. 

We desire to know your face: soon rejuvenate us with your birth. 

Blessed are you who reign over all things: hold us in hope of your splendour. 

Good morning and Merry Christmas to all!



Sî bǝ́ ŋkyǝ̀'nyǝ̀; sɔm jʉ́m tǝ̂bǝ́ nǝ́ é pǝ́. Pǝ pǝ̌ giŋ ntʉ́m ŋkyǝ'nyǝ, dǝ́ŋdǝŋ pá' kwa' yʉ̂ bǝ́ á ntʉ́m ŋkyǝ'nyǝ á, bǝ ŋkwishwǝ̂ gɔ pǝ́ cǝcǝ̌ pǝ̌, mcyǝ Mû é Yésô nǝ́ŋ sɔ́k guŋ mhɔ mɔ́Kpǝ̀. 

Buŋbuŋ gap Krǐsimɛ̂ bí po nǝ́ yǝŋ mɔ́de dzǝ̂mtɔ̂ booo ! 

God is light, there is no darkness in him. If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we are in communication with others, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.



Pyɛ̂r pú Zhâŋ lǝ ghɔ̌m dzǝ̂ cam mkâmvʉ̂ʼ a Zhwîf gaǝ̂ : Ǎ puŋ mnyǝ̂ Sǐ nǝ́ yû' á wɔ́, shyǝ́ nǝ́ yû'nyǝ Sî a ? Â yɔ́ shɛ. Mpá' wɔ́k á, pǝ̂ sɔmywǝ́ lǝ kɔ́ wɔ́k nǝ́ sîŋ ywǝ́ yǝ pyǝ kǝ yɔ̌ bíŋ jú' áá. 

Pǝ ywɔ́k cúsǝdê ntâmgô ɔ, nták ŋka'tǝ yɔ́kpǝ da' bî Sǐ, dzǝ́ tǝ bîŋ bǝ pǝ̌ píŋ. 

Peter and John say to the great council of the Jews: Is it right in the sight of God to listen to you, rather than to God? It is for you to judge. As for us, it is impossible for us not to say what we have seen and heard. 

Buŋjour and a wonderful Tuesday to all!



A lǝ̂ dú á kwa' nǝ́ mcǝ̂ŋ mɔ́kpǝ, tǝ́ yɛ́lúŋ ghɔ̂ kó nǝ́ pǝ â dǝ́ŋdǝŋ pá' guŋ pyǝshǝ́ pɔ áá. Da'gaǝ́ â bǝ cɔ́mmtso Sǐ yɔ́m gá'bú; â shyǝ m nǝ́ mǝ̂ ŋkuŋnyǝ yǝ e lǝ ghǝ nǝ́ pǝ̀, wɔ́kpǝ e pǝ lǝ̂ dzǝ̂ pǝ̌ â mpfaǝ́sí dúnǝ̂ mhɔ mɔ́kpǝ á, e ghǝ̂ pǝ a Krǐsto pǝ́m jám nǝ̂ vʉ̌ : â shǝŋtǝ shyǝ́ â m nǝ̂ fʉ'sí tǝ́ po vɔ̂k. 

Buŋbuŋ wénésǝdê tyǝ̌'pfô bí po lǝ́ o ! 

We were, of ourselves, doomed to wrath like all the others. But God is rich in mercy; because of the great love with which he loved us, we who were dead because of our faults, he made us live again with Christ: it is indeed by grace that you are saved. 

Good morning and a wonderful Wednesday to all!



Bwǎnyǝ́ bû m Sî tâcɔ́mmtsò! 

Wu yǝ ô ŋkuŋ gaǝ̂ guŋ pɔ awɛ́ vɔ́k á, pyǝ̌ gho'tǝ ó pá' o lǝ hǎ ŋkwiduŋ Mû u bí pyǝ áá : _ lǝ pá' pú dzǝ́ é á gǝ̂ guŋ dǝmcǎ' ŋwɛ́nyǝ́. 

O lǝ cyǎ Mû u gaǝ́ ê sɔ́' shyanyǝ lǝpʉǝ bî mghɛcɛ́ bíŋ síŋ gaǝ̂ cwǝ byǎnyǝ́ kù' : _ zhɔ́k pfʉɔŋkǝŋ sîcǎ'. 

O lǝ lǝ̂ mzhyǝ̌nwǝ sîcǎ' gɔ́ tǝ mkǝ́m bǝ́ŋ Mú : _ tsʉ́ pwɔ' pɔ pyǝ wâp gámtǝ́ ò. 

Ô ŋké guŋ pɔ awɛ́ ntʉ́m puŋtǝ́ ŋkyǝ̀'nyǝ̀ ò : _ la'tǝ wáp jyǝ nǝgɔ́ bǝ́ŋ Mú pú mâp e. 

Cyǝ m nǝ́ ntǝ̂msî Bɛ́tlǝhɛ̂m, ŋka' ntǝ̂mntǝ̌m, _ dá'tǝ́ ghámtǝ o bî mfǝ̌mfǝ́ pyǝ o kǝ pǐŋ gaǝ́ wáp kó ntʉ́m hwítǝ̀. 

Pǝ ló gaǝ̂ Cyǝpɔ Tâcɔ́mmtso pfɔ́ptǝ́ wɔ́kpǝ nǝ́ yǝŋ tɔ́sǝdê shyǝ̂ŋkǔ'

Blessed are you, God of mercy!

We thank you for having given us your only Son: You have sent your Son to proclaim freedom to the captives and to proclaim the good news to the world.

You sent your Son to proclaim freedom to the captives and the time of grace: Give the world peace. 

You led the wise men of the people to the Child: Receive the offering of those who worship you. 

You call all men to your wonderful light: _ guide them to the Child and his mother. 

Through the Messiah of Bethlehem, light of the nations, _ reveal your glory to the brothers whom you have let go in peace. 

Good morning and happy Thursday to all!


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Si 3, 2-6.12-14)

Cyǝpɔ̂ dǝ pó gámtǝ tâ yáp, bǝ́ gǝ́ pǝ̂ŋkʉ̌ yú'nyǝ bí mâ yáp. Mo ghǝ mku' táp e, bǝ pû gɔ wá' mhɔ myǝ́, nǝ́ŋ gámtǝ́ máp e, bǝ ê gɔ pǝ́ pá' mo yǝ ê shú'tǝ́ mtɔ́kcyǝ áá. Mo ghǝ mku' táp e, bǝ pô pyǝ̂ gɔ lá' ghǝ̌ ê ŋwɛ́nyǝ́, tyǝ́' yǝ ě cwyǝ́'nyǝ́ â Sǐ yú'. Mo ghǎmtǝ táp e, bǝ ê gɔ ná' wóptǝ́ sîcǎ' ; mô jú'nyǝ́ Cyǝpɔ a hâ kaktʉɔ bí máp e. 
Mû wɔ̀k, tǝ́mtǝ́ tɔ́ ɔ cwǝyǝ ě vo á, bɔ́m nǝ́ ghǝ e zhwíŋ cwǝyǝ e yaǝ̌ ŋka' áá. E la bvóvo tǝ ntó' á nǝ́ zhʉ́zhʉm, wu yǝ gʉ̂' yaǝ̌ sí á, o kǝ̂ là', o pɔ́m nǝ́ wâk é,  nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, cɔ́mmtso yǝ ô gǝ nǝ́ tɔ́ ɔ á ka lá' shyǝ́ né; â gɔ tí pʉ́'tǝ̂ yu tuŋdyǝ́ cwǝyǝ cwǝpǔŋ pǝ́ gɔ́ sa'tǝ áá. 

Sɛnyǝ́ fǝládê dzǝ̂dzǝ bí po lǝ́ o !

The Lord glorifies the father in his children, he strengthens the authority of the mother over her sons. He who honours his father obtains forgiveness of his sins; he who glorifies his mother is like one who gathers treasure. He who honours his father will have joy in his children; in the day of his prayer he will be answered. He who glorifies his father will have long days; he who obeys the Lord will give comfort to his mother. My son, support your father in his old age, do not grieve him during his life. Even if his spirit forsakes him, be indulgent, do not despise him, for your mercy to your father will not be forgotten, and it will raise up your house if it is ruined by sin.



Yésô, yɔk gʉ̂' ba yɔk hwítǝ̀, cɔ́m mtso mɔ́k. 

Nǝ́ tsǝ̂ o lě da'tǝ bí gwyamonǝŋ ntîpá' ô nǝ ŋkúŋ wáp : _ ghǝ̌ pyǝ nǝ̂ cwǝ̌ bǝ́ gó'tǝ́ ó. 

O lǝ̂ sɔ' m nǝ́ sîŋ monǝŋ gaǝ́ pú wá' mhɔ máp bíŋ ntɔk gwǝ ntúŋ pú : _ ghǝ̂ dǝŋ pɔ pyǝ wâp jú'nyǝ́ ó á yɔ́m gɔ́dzǝ̀.

Pá' o lǝ tǝ̌m m vǎm dɔ̂lɔ̌ Marî á, o lě dǝ nǝ̂ o gǝ́ fǝ̂ yɔk : _ zhí'tǝ́ monǝŋ nǝ́ tɔ̂m ŋkuŋnyǝ cǝcǝ̌ pú. 

O lě bví' dǝmcǎ' pâ' ŋka' tǝ vo' áá : _ ghǝ̌ po a mpfaǝ́sî pɔ́k cʉ́nyǝ́. 

Sɛnyǝ́ sásǝdê ntâmdzǝ bí po lǝ́ o ! 

Jesus, our strength and our peace, hear us. 

Your birth has revealed to mankind the love with which you love them: Keep us in thanksgiving.

You came to announce to the world its forgiveness and deliverance: multiply the number of those who listen to you.

By being born of the Virgin Mary, you became our brother: _ teach people to love one another.

You appeared in the world as the light without fading: _ may our deceased brothers see you face to face.

Good morning and happy Saturday to all!



Pɔkuŋ pǝ, â sɔ' m nǝ̂ mghǝ́tsó pyǝ wáp yaǝ̌ bhǝ̂fa' cǝcǝ̌ po, m bîŋ nǝ̂ pǝ̂ mu' nǝ́ pú, bǝ́ ŋkwîntɛ̌ nǝ́ gô' Krǐsto, yaǝ tsʉ' pîŋ bǝ́ ntʉ́m ghámtǝ yǝ ǎ wǝ́ sɔ́' á, m bǝ́wǝ́ gɔ́m bí pú gaǝ̂ : po pǝ́ mcyadzǝ́ Sí tsyǝ wáp wǝ́ po á, tǝ mo ntɔ́m wɔ́ tɔ́m, gǝ́ mpâ' Sî ŋkuŋ á, tǝ tǝ̌ŋnyǝ́ â ŋkapǝ́, dǝ́ á tʉ̂m pǝpúŋ, tǝ lǝ bʉ' sá' pɔ pyǝ Sî níŋ nǝ́ bû mɔ́ ; po zhí â mfo' nǝshwǝ́ bî vǝŋdzǝ́ Sí. Â pǝ́ pô'ó, Tâ mcyadzǝ́ cwǝ́ tǝ ŋwák, po wím ntî dwa ghámtǝ yǝ pə́ a lə pónyə́ áá.

Pə saǝ́nyǝ́ tǝ jí â mfo' ma pəpúŋ bí lâ'lǎ', ntʉ́m yǝŋ gap mɔ́de gɔ̂sʉɔ̌ ! 

Beloved, as for the elders among you, I exhort them, I who am an elder like them and a witness to the sufferings of Christ, sharing in the glory that is to be revealed: be shepherds of the flock of God which is in your midst; watch over it, not out of fear, but willingly according to God; not out of greed, but out of devotion; not commanding as masters those entrusted to your care, but becoming the models of the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not waver.

Good morning and a happy start to the week to all.



Sî bǝ́ ŋkyǝ̀'nyǝ̀, sɔm jʉ́m lǝpǝ́ nǝ́ é. Pǝ pǝ̌ giŋ ntʉ́m ŋkyǝ̀'nyǝ̀, bǝpá' kwa' yʉ̂ bǝ́ ntʉ́m ŋkyǝ'nyǝ á, â bǝ pǝ̌ tamtǝ cǝcǝ̌ pǝ, mcyǝ Mû é Yésô pîŋ syáktǝ́ guŋ mhɔ mɔ́kpǝ̀. 

Pǝ pú'bú bí Sî Kǎmgó, ê lǝ́ guŋ pɔ pyǝ wáp mǝ̂jyǝ cúsǝdê dzǝ̂mtɔ̂ á, gɔ gaǝ̂ yap yap yap gíŋ tǝ ŋkó. 

God is light, there is no darkness in him. If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with others, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

Good morning and a wonderful Tuesday to all!


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Is 45, 22-24a)

Nyə́nyɔ̂ ba gʉ̂' fə́ da' bî Cyə̀pɔ̀.

Guŋ wɔ́ pyə pô shwə́ tə gʉɔ səsʉɔ á, po fɛ́ nǝ̂ yɔ dé á : pô gɔ sɔ' vɔk. Éé gaə̂ bǝ́ Sí : mu' sî dyǝ' tǝ̌ wǝ́ pǝ́ ! Pə́ kwa' myǝ é wə́ há mkɔ̀ : nwə də́ŋdə̂ŋ ntə́m m shwǝ̌ m̀, bə́ ghɔm tə tě jyə́. ''Bǎtsá kwí'tə́ â gɔ sɔ' kam dzǝ̌ m̀, bǝyá shwǝ á ŋá' há mkɔ gaə́, nyə́nyɔ̂ ba gʉ̂' fə́ da' bî Cyə̀pɔ̀ !''

Pə ywɔ́k nǝ́ yǝŋ wénésǝdê ntâmgǒ, fɛ́ nə́ dé Cyəpɔ̌, ê fɛ́ mnyǝ̂ mɔ́kpə nə̂ tsə́ ŋkà' : guŋ gʉ̂' awɛ̂ fə́ da' bí í. 

By the Lord alone, justice and strength.

Turn to me: you shall be saved, all the remotest parts of the earth. ' 'Yes, I am God, there is no other. I swear by myself! From my mouth comes justice, the word that nothing stops. Before me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear; by the Lord only _ shall it say of me_ justice and strength!''

Good morning and a wonderful Wednesday to all.



Zhyə̌nwə̂ bə́ ŋkyə'nyə ŋka' màmà, kyə' tə mviŋ nə̂ mfa' Sí, fǒto puŋtʉ̂m é. Pá' ê bə́ dyə́ dǒ é á, pə̂ ywə́ lə cyə́ é; ê shwə́ á ŋkwi tsʉ' gə̂ dzʉ̌ twóp m sə́. Nə̂ gu' nə gu', ê gaptə bí mtʉ̂m dɔ̂lɔ̌, a lə̂ wáp gə́ mghámdô' ba msǒ Sí.

 Sǐ kyə́' zhyə́nwə yɔ́kpə̌, pə ywɔ́k jyə́ nə́ ló'tə shə́ mnwə nə́ yǝŋ tɔ́sǝdê tyǝ̌'pfô 

"Cʉ́' nǝ́ yâk zhyǝ̌nwǝ mo yâk ŋkapǝ́".

Wisdom is the radiance of eternal light, the spotless mirror of God's activity, the image of his goodness. Since it is unique, it can do anything; and without leaving itself, it renews the universe. From age to age, it is passed on to holy souls to make them prophets and friends of God.

Good morning and a peaceful Thursday to all.



Mpuŋtsê bǝ́ gwya pɔ pyǝ wâp shǝ́ŋ ó 

Nǝ́ yǝŋ tyǝ̌'dzʉ́, pɔp sǝ́ sɔ' dǝmcǎ' : _ saǝnyǝ dzʉ́ â héjyǝ bî puŋtʉ̂m ó ! 

Ghɔ̌m sîcǎ' tyǝ̂' ɔ bǝ́wǝ́ gíí : _ lǝ Gi vɔk o gǝ̂ dǝmcǎ' píŋ ntwóp m sǝ́ ! 

Nwǝ dǝ́ŋdǝ̌ŋ tyǝ́' ɔ bǝ́wǝ́ sɔ́' m nǝ́ fyǝ' mtʉ̌m : _ súŋ cwǝpuŋ nté, pyǝ lá'tǝ́ ŋkùŋnyǝ̀ ! 

Ywǝ́ yǝ pú lǝ pyǎp fǝ́ mǝ̂kukú gu' á yǝŋ bǝ ǎ ŋwàk : _ ghǝ̌ pyǝ yɔ́ ŋka' ŋkyǝ'nyǝ o nǝ̂ yɔk cwǝdzʉ̌ ! 

Ǎ tyǝ̂' ɔ bǝ pú ka'nyǝ Lunǝ̂vʉ̌ bî gwyà mònǝ̀ŋ : _ ghǝ̌ pyǝ yɔ́ msyanyǝ zhyǝ́nwǝ ó !

Nǝ́ yǝŋ fǝládê shyǝ̂ŋkǔ', pǝ ywɔ́k shǝ́ŋ nǝ́ zhyǝ̂ msyanyǝ Cyǝpɔ nǝ́ pǝ̀. 

Blessed are the people who seek you! 

Today a new ferment has entered the world: _ transform humanity, let it be open to your grace! 

Today the Word resounds on earth; _ regenerate the world with your Word of life!

Today the truth comes to judge our hearts: Extirpate sin, that we may show love! 

Today the expectation of the ages has fallen: _ give our time to receive your light!

Today, man is promised your Resurrection: _ discover for us the wonders of your wisdom!

Good morning and a pleasant weekend to all!



A lǝ pǝ̌ cwǝbɔ́ɔ, Pyɛ̂r ŋwâk wǝ̂ mu' tâdyǝ̂ msǝ̌ŋwi pǝ Róma gɔ́m gaǝ̂ : «Kwa' nyǝ́nyɔ́, gaǝ̌ zhyǝ́ cwǝlɔ gaǝ̂ Sǐ tǝ̂ ŋkyak mò pǝ̀ : ê dǝ bǝwaǝ̌lǝ́ yǝ ě nǝ̂ pwɔ̌k ê mfa' myǝ́ pǝ̂ dǝ́ŋdǝŋ áá. Tsɔ̂ ghɔm tsyǝ e lǝ nǝ̂ tim bî pǒ Israɛ̂l, shyǝ́ m nǝ̂ Yěso Krǐstò, yʉ́ yǝ ê bǝ́ Cyǝpɔ guŋ pɔ awɛ́ á, nǝ shyányǝ́ buŋ ŋkʉɔ hwítǝ áá.  

 Cyǝpɔ ghǝ́ pǝ lǝ́ hwítǝ ntó' yǝŋ gap mɔ́de sɛ̂sǔ !

At that time, when Peter came to a centurion of the Roman army, he spoke up and said, "Truly I understand that God is impartial, and that he welcomes the one who fears him, regardless of the nation, and whose deeds are just. This is the word which he sent to the children of Israel, bringing them the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.

Good morning and a peaceful start to the week to all!



Pɔkuŋ pə, po yɔ́ gʉ̂' ŋkuŋnyə yə Tá lə ghə nə́ pə, jyə́ á pú ké wɔ́kpə gaə̂ pǒ Sí_pə̂ nə́ŋ bə́ wáp. Pɔkuŋ pə, ntó' fə́ cwəlɔ̌, pə̂ bə́ pó Sí, tə̂ bə pə ka wɛ́ jyə́ pá' pə̂ gɔ tí pə́ lə. Pə̌ zhyə́ nyə́nyɔ́ gaə́, tyə́' yə Mû Sî gɔ tí la'tə nə̂ e á, pə̂ gɔ pə́ á pá' yʉ́ á nə̂kə́lə́, ê gɔ cəŋtə pə́ á pá' ê bə́ lə. 

Gʉ̂' ŋkuŋnyə yə Sî gə nə́ pə á, pə ywɔ́k nǝ́ yǝŋ cúsǝdê gɔ̂sʉɔ̌,  gə́ â dǝ́ŋdǝŋ yá nə́ mfə̂ pɔ́kpə̀.

"Mo kuŋ shwanwǝ bǝ ě kuŋ shúŋ".

See what great love the Father has given us that we should be called children of God_and we are. Beloved, even now we are children of God, but what we shall be has not yet been manifested. We know that when it is manifested, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

Good morning and a very pleasant Tuesday to all.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Ps 26, 1, 4, 13-13). 

Nə́ pə̂ shwə́ á Dyə̂ Cyə̀pɔ̀.

Cyəpɔ̂ bə̂ yaə ŋka' bíŋ bə̂ yaə̀ vɔ̀k; tə gaə̂ gɔ pwɔ́k waə́ ?
Cyəpɔ̂ bə́ khʉ̂' yaə̀ vɔ̀k; pə̂ n tíŋnyǝ dzə̂ waə̌ sə́ŋŋ́ ?
N dě dó ta' ywə́ bî Cyəpɔ, a pə̂ da' yə gaə̂ shə́ŋ áá : nə́ ghə bə́ á dyə̂ Cyəpɔ tə dá' mpfʉ́, bə́ díŋtə̂ yə nə́twa təfo', bíŋ jó'nyə́ nǝ̂ to Cwyə̌p é.
Kwa' nyə́nyɔ́, gaə̂ gɔ sɔ' yɔ́ gʉ̂' ŋkuŋnyə Cyəpɔ nə̂ cǎ' pɔ̀mtʉɔ̀.

Pə ló gaə̂ Cyəpɔ ywɔ́k bǝ̂ yɔkpǝ khʉ́', nǝ́ yǝŋ wénésǝdê dzǝ̂mtɔ̌. 

Dwell in the house of the Lord.

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the bulwark of my life; before whom shall I tremble?
I have asked the Lord for one thing, the only thing I seek: to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to admire the Lord in his beauty, and to cleave to his Temple.
I am sure I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Good morning and a wonderful Wednesday to all!



 bǝ́ fa' bí wɔ́kpǝ mghɛgʉ́', nǝ́ tǝ́mtǝ mpwǎŋko, ba nǝ́ cyǝtǝ tǝ̌ŋnyǝ́ pǝ́ ywǝ́ yǝ â buŋ wɔ́kpǝ áá.  shǝ́ŋ gaǝ̂ bâwaǝ̌lǝ́ nǝ́ pǝ cǝ́ŋ nǝ́ kuŋ mo yǝ ě bǝ́ŋ é á, nǝ̂ nwǝ pǝpúŋ, nǝ́ nǝ́ kwǝ̂. Krǐsto la tǝ cǝ́ŋ â ywǝ́ yǝ a lǝ̂ gɔ puŋ é á pǝ́, dǝ́ŋdǝŋ pâ' bǝ pú lě bvǝ gaǝ̂ : ''Mcáp pǝcap ó lě ŋkó nǝ́ m̀ ''. 

 bǝ́ fa' bí pə fǝládê tyǝ̌'pfô ɔ, nə́ tɔ̂k pɔ pyə wâp bikyǝ á gaǝ́, pǝ́ mo kwâ yǝ mú mo kwâ yǝ lǝ kwǝ́ gùŋ. 

It is our duty as the strong to bear the infirmity of the weak and not to seek what pleases us. Let each one of us seek to please his neighbour, for the sake of good, to edify. For Christ did not seek what pleased him, but as it is written: "The insults of your insulters have fallen upon me.

Good morning and a very good start to the weekend to all!



Mfǝ̌mfǝ́, ghɔmsî bǝ́ ywǝ̂ ntʉɔ̀, bǝ ǎ wim gʉ́', bíŋ bǝ́ shɔ́k tǝ shyǝ́ nyǝ̂shu mcɔ̌k bʉǝ́ǝ́; â gɔ tǝ ŋkǝ́m ju'tǝ ghɛnyǝ pû zhwènyǝ̀, tsʉ' ju'tǝ mkwě pú a mhǝ̌m; ê diŋtǝ mnwǝ ntûŋ ba mkwɛnyǝ tʉ́m. Pǝ̂ sɔmywǝ́ lǝ tʉ́mnyǝ́ dzǝ̌ é; bǝkǝ́lǝ̂ bǝ́ dzǝ̌ é bǝ́ â soso e, e nǝ́ŋ bǝ́ jɔ́ awɛ́; pǝ̂ gɔ lá' síŋ é guŋ mghiŋ mɔ́kpǝ̀. 

« Ywǝ́ yǝ á cyǝ Sí á tǝ̌wǝ́ pǝ́»

Á hwítǝ pǝ́ m wɔ́ nǝ́ yǝŋ sásǝdê shyǝ̂ŋkǔ'! 

Brethren, the word of God is alive, energetic and sharper than a two-edged sword; it reaches to the dividing point of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow; it judges the intentions and thoughts of the heart. Not a creature escapes her eyes, everything is naked before her, subject to her gaze; we will have to give account to her. 

Good morning and a fruitful weekend to all!


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Rm 8, 28-30). 

Pǝ̌ zhyǝ́ gaǝ́ pɔmnǝ̂ŋ bǝ́ ŋkúŋ Sí, kwa' yʉ́ cǝ́ŋ á gaǝ́ wáp yú'pǝpúŋ, nǝ́pâ' a lǝ̂ du á nǝ̂ ŋkuŋnyǝ e tǝ́ pú ké wáp. Pɔ pyǝ e lǝ lǝŋdzǝ jyǝ́ wáp á, e lě dǝ wáp gǝ́ múhwǝ̂ Mû e, jyǝ́ á Mú yǝŋ gɔ pǝ́ shyǝdzǝ vǝŋ mfǝ̂ pyǝ́. Pɔ pyǝ e lǝ ghǝ wáp hwǝ́ é pô' á, e lě biŋ ŋké wáp ; pɔ pyǝ e lǝ kě á, e lě dǝ wáp gǝ́ pɔ dǝ́ŋdǝŋ ; pɔ pyǝ e lǝ lɔ̌nyǝ́ wáp á, e lě há ghámtǝ e bí pú.

« Mo pǝ̂ m wu o pǝ́ m yʉ́ »

Pə ló gaə̂ Cyǝpɔ ywɔ́k bɔ́mtǝ́ wɔ́kpǝ nǝ́ yǝŋ sɛnyǝ́ cúsǝdê sɛ̂sǔ.

We know that when people love God, he himself contributes everything to their good, since they are called according to the destiny of his love. Those whom he knew beforehand, he also destined to be in the image of his Son, to make this Son the firstborn of a multitude of brothers. Those whom he destined to be like him, he also called; those whom he called, he made righteous; and those whom he justified, he gave them his glory. 

Good morning and happy Tuesday to all!


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (1 P 5, 5b-7). 

 shǝ́ŋ gaǝ̂ guŋ yɔ awɛ́ pǝ́ cǝcǝ̌ po, dǝ́ â lǝnǝsí nǝ́ gǝ yɔ dzǝ̂fà'. Pǒ zhyǝ́ gaǝ̂ Sî ŋkyak pǝŋá'nǝ́, nǝ́ŋ bǝ́ há fʉ' é bí pǝlǝnǝ́sí. Lǝ́ po fí' nǝ̂ yɔ há sí bvʉ' fapû Sǐ, jyǝ́ á e pʉ́' wɔ́ cya thǝ́ cwǝyǝ ě kuŋ áá. Po núŋ guŋ mnwǝ nǝ́ bû myǝ́, nǝ́pá' ê bɔ́mtǝ́ wɔ́ áá. 

Pǝ fí' nǝ́ há sí nǝ́ yǝŋ wénésǝdê gɔ̂sʉɔ̌, bɔ́m ka'nǝ́ ! 

« Mo pǝ̂ ŋká' nǝ̂ e, bǝ pû gɔ fí' í há sí, jwí nǝ̂ e sí, bǝ pû gɔ pʉ́' é tʉ́ mǝ́kǝ́kʉɔ́. 

All of you, towards one another, take humility as your service dress. For God opposes the proud, but to the humble he extends his grace. Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. Unburden yourselves of all your cares, for he takes care of you. 

Good morning and a wonderful Wednesday to all.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Rm 14, 17-19). 

Nǝfo Sǐ tǝ̂ bǝ́ nwǝ ywǝ́tsʉ́, kǝ mlu' lǝ̂; â bǝ́ nwǝ dǝ́ŋdǝŋ, hwítǝ ba ŋwɛ́nyǝ ntʉ́m Zhwenyǝ Dɔ̂lɔ̌. Mo yǝ ê fa' bî Krǐsto ntî pá' â buŋ mnyǝ̂ Sǐ, pɔmnǝŋ pîŋ ŋkúŋ é. Pô'lǝ́, pǝ tǝ́ŋnyǝ́ pǝ́ ywǝ́ yǝ â dǝ hwítǝ sɔ́' á, ba yǝ â gǝ monǝŋ cɔ́mdzǝ́nyǝ́ lǝ. 

Pǝ ywɔ́k tɔ́sǝdê dzǝ̂mtɔ̂ ɔ, ntǝ́ŋnyǝ́ á ywǝ́ yǝ pǝ́ a tâmtǝ monǝŋ áá.
« Ŋkwishwǝ̂ bí do bí gɔ́m». 

The kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink; it is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. He who serves Christ in this way pleases God and is approved by men. So let us look for that which contributes to peace, and that which builds human relationships. 

Good morning and happy Thursday to all.



 Â bə́ ntʉ́m Yésó Krǐsto cwəlɔ, bə a lě shyə m nə́ mcyə Krǐsto, wɔ́ pyə po lə̂ bə́ tə gʉɔ səsʉɔ á pîŋ sɔ́' tə bə́ á bə́ŋ é. Yʉ́ Krǐsto nê bə̂ yɔkpə hwítə̀ : e lě də Israɛ̂l pú a pətǝpǝ̌ wáp nə́ gə â ŋkwì pɔ̀; bíŋ shyə m nə̂ bə̌ŋnə̂ é yə pú lə kwetə á, nə̂ pfʉɔ ŋkɛpé bo yə a lə̂ já'nyə́ wáp á, bí mco' Mósɛ̂ pú a bʉɔ̌ ghiŋ nə́. E lə̂ shə́ŋ pô' nə́ lə hwítə shú'tə́ guŋ pɔ awɛ́ nə́ gə pə̂ ta' Mo sə́. E lə̂ bə́wə́ shə́ŋ nə́ tamtə mə́khi pú mə́sɔ́k nə́ gə â ta' bə̌ŋnə́, pú a Sǐ cyə̂ m nə̂ bɛnyəpɛnyə gwó' bvə́nyə́ : â pə́ pô'ó, ê pí bò.

Buŋbuŋ gap fǝládê ntâmgǒ bí po ! 

Now in Christ Jesus, you who were far away have become close through the blood of Christ. He is the Christ who is our peace: he has made Israel and the Gentiles into one people; through his crucified flesh he has broken down the wall of hatred that separated them by removing the legal regulations of the Law of Moses. He wanted to bring them together by making peace, and to create in Himself one new Man. He wanted to reconcile them with God through the cross: in his person, he killed hatred.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (He 13, 20-21). 

Á Sî pfʉɔŋkəŋ, yǝ e lǝ cyǝ m nǝ̂ mcyǝ Kɔ sǝ̂ mama jám byâpdzǝ́ nǝ̂ vʉ̌, lwɔdzǝ Byâpdzǝ́, Cyǝpɔ yɔkpǝ Yésô á, â Sǐ bɔ́ɔ ghǝ́ pǝ kú'nyǝ́ nǝ́ ghǝ ywǝ́ yǝ ǎ puŋ nǝ́ nǝ fá' pá' ê ŋkuŋ áá. Ê ghǝ́ ywǝ́ yǝ ǎ puŋ mnyǝ́ é á nǝ́ pǝ, shyǝ́ m nǝ̂ Yěso Krǐsto, yǝ ghámtǝ̂ bǝ́ bí í nǝ̂ gu' nǝ gu' áá. Amɛ̂n.

Á Sî byǎnyə́ pák wɔ́kpǝ nə̂ guŋ tsə̂ cwə̀pùŋ !
Buŋbuŋ sásǝdê tyǝ̌'pfô bí po lǝ́ o !

May the God of peace, who raised up from the dead, through the blood of the eternal covenant, the Shepherd of the sheep, the Shepherd par excellence, our Lord Jesus, form you in all that is good to accomplish his will, and may he do in us what is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory for ever and ever Amen.

Good morning, and may the God of peace grant us a fruitful weekend.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Jc 4, 11-12). 

Mfǝ̌mfǝ́, po kǝ̂ piŋ gɔ́m cwǝpuŋ nǝ́ wɔ́wɔ́; mô ŋkó'nwə nǝ́ fǝ̂ e kə ntʉ́ é á thǝ́kám lǝ̂, a pǝ́ nǝ́ ghɔm cwǝpuŋ nǝ̂ Mco' bíŋ sá' mco'. O nǝ̂ŋ bǝ́ sá' mco', bǝ o tǝ̂ gɔ ghiŋ nǝ́ pǝ́, bǝ ô bǝ́ nǝ́ bǝ́ â fyǝ̀'... Tǝ ô dǝ nǝ̂ o gǝ́ waǝ́, tǝ bǝ́ sá' fǝ̂ ò ?

Tó' fǝ́ yǝŋ gap mɔ́de dzǝ̂dzǝ, bɔ́m nǝ́ piŋ símnɛ nə́ mfǝ̂ pǔ !

Brothers, stop speaking evil of one another; to speak evil of your brother or to judge your brother is to speak evil of the Law and to judge the Law. But if you judge the Law, you are not practising it, but you are judging it... Who do you think you are, judging your neighbour?

Good morning and happy start of the week to all!


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : Ac 26, 16b-18. 

( Yésô) Yɔ́ pâ' shyə tə̂ gə̂ o yɔ́ á á yə̌ŋ : â bə n dě də ó gə́ gɛfa' ba ŋkwîŋtɛ̌ ntʉ́m jʉm yə o shyə m nə́ jɔ́ á, ba nə́ myə mjʉm myə m gɔ piŋ nə phə́ nə̂ a bû lə. Gaə̌ tsə̂ tě ó msǔŋ pɔmnəŋ pú a mtə̌mguŋ pətəzhyə̌sí myə gaə̌ wə́ ntə́m ó nə́ á, ô kó gyə́' mnyə̂ máp, fɛ́ wáp nə̂ jʉ̌m shyá nə̂ ŋkà', nté wáp ntʉ́m nəfo Sáta də́ wáp gɔ́ m bə̂ŋ Sǐ pú wá' mhɔ máp, â píŋ shyə m nə́ nə́pîŋ bə̂m, á wáp kwî máp nə̂ mcʉ̌' pá' pɔ dɔ̂lɔ̌ áá. 

Gaə̂ Cyəpɔ ywɔ́k nǝ́ yǝŋ wénésǝdê sɛ̂sǔ, nté wɔ́kpə nǝ̂ mfa' dzʉ̂jʉ̌m, də́ wɔ́kpǝ gə́ â pǒ dɔ̂dzʉ̌. 
Sǐ tâmdzǝ o píŋ bí í ! 

(Jesus) This is why I have appeared to you: I have destined you to be a servant and a witness of the vision in which you have just seen me and of the visions in which I will appear to you again. I am already delivering you from the Gentile people and nations, to whom I am sending you to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light, from Satan's empire to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a share in the inheritance with those who are sanctified, through faith in me.

Good morning and a very happy Wednesday to all.



A lǝ pǝ̌ cwǝbɔ́ɔ, Yésô ghɔ̂m bî du monǝŋ gaǝ̂ : «Pú pê' sú mɔ́k nǝ̂ lǎm, nǝ́ sɔ' ntʉ́ m ntʉ̌m cǝŋ kǝ m kǝ̂sǐkóó ? Pú tǝ̂ nǝ sɔ́' ntʉ́ m dǝm kwo'lám á lǝ́ ? Nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, sɔmywǝ́ yǝ pú tʉm tǝ pú lǝ ghɔ́ lá' yɔ́ á tǝ̌wǝ́ pǝ́; sɔmywǝ́ yǝ á tʉmnyǝ tǝ pú lǝpǝ́ gɔ́ lá' zhyǝ́ á tǝ̌wǝ́ pǝ́. A pǝ̂ bǝ mǒ ghǝ mtǝ̂ŋ nǝjú' e yú' ! » E lǝ pǐŋ gɔm bí pú gaǝ̂ : «Po cǝ̂ŋtǝ́ bɔ́m ywǝ́ yǝ pô jú' áá ! Fo' yǝ pô gwim á, â dǝ́ŋdǝŋ yá tǝ́ pû gɔ sɔ' nǝ fo' yɔ́, tǝ nǝ̂ hǎ piŋ tám ywǝ́ nǝ́. Nǝ́pá' mo é wim á, pû gɔ sɔ' há ywǝ́ bí í, mo yǝ e ka ghǝ́ ywǝ́ á, pú kwî ba yǝ mûdǝŋ yǝ a kǝ̂ bǝ é ghǝ áá.» 

Nǝ́ yǝŋ tɔ́sǝdê gɔ̂sʉɔ̌, mo pɔ́m "pú gaə́" ! O tʉm cwanwǝ pǝ́ tǝ bǝ̂mdyǝ̌sí, bǝ â gɔ lá' sá' tǝ̌ pú nǝ́ gɔ shyǝ. 

«Mo lâʼ dǝ́ lúŋ nú' kǝkuŋ hyá, bǝ pû gɔ kwí pfaǝ́, nǝ́ŋ tʉ' mjwǐ.»

Gaǝ́ Sǐ lǝ́ guŋ pɔ pyǝ wáp mǝ̂jyǝ lǎ' tyǝ́' ɔ á, nǝ gíŋ tǝ ŋkó ! 

At that time Jesus said to the crowd, "Is the lamp brought to be put under the bushel or under the bed? Is it not to be put on the lampstand?... for nothing has been kept secret except to come to light... Pay attention to what you hear! The measure you use will also be used for you, and more will be given to you. For he who has, to him shall be given; he who has not, from him shall be taken away even that which he has.''

Good morning and a peaceful Thursday to all, avoiding anything that might harm your neighbour or society.



Mfǝ̌mfǝ́, â bé á ntîntǐ mnwǝ pǝ̂ nú' wɔ́, po yɔ́ yá kwa' pá' ŋwɛ́nyǝ gwyǝ́. Nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, mlǝŋtǝ myǝ â fo' dǝŋ píŋtʉ̂m yɔ â dǝ sɔktʉ́m sɔ́' nǝ́ po, kyǝ́ptʉ́m yǝŋ pîŋ bǝ́ dǝ́ wɔ́ ŋkó nǝ̂ mfa' dɔ̂lɔ̌; â pǝ́ pô'ó, po cə̂ŋtə́ bə́ tǝbya, tǝ bé â sɔmywǝ́ lǝ yák wɔ́.

 Cyəpɔ tǝ́mtə́ wɔ́kpə, tǝ̂ sɔm ywǝ̂ pəpúŋ kə̂ yǎk wɔ́kpǝ nə́ yəŋ fǝládê dzǝ̂mtɔ̌. 

«Mô jɔ́gó' tǝ́ dí bǝ́ mò. Gwô' tǝ̀ bǝ̀ŋ, gwǒ' jú.»

Brethren, when you come up against all kinds of trials, think that it is a great joy. For, the trial which verifies the quality of your faith, produces in you perseverance, and perseverance must lead you to perfect conduct; so you will be truly perfect, you will lack nothing.

"Mô jɔ́gó' tǝ́ dí bǝ́ mò. Gwô' tǝ̀ bǝ̀ŋ, gwǒ' jú."

Good morning to all. 
May the Lord bless you as you begin the weekend!


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Sg 7, 13-14). 

Ywǝ́ yǝ gaǝ̌ zhyǝ́ tǝ ywɔ̌k bú'nǝ́ á, gaǝ̂ gaptǝ yá tǝ tʉm sɔmywǝ́, tǝ lwɔ' bínyǝ̂ myǝ́. Nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, zhyǝ̌nwǝ̂ bǝ́ dzǝ̌ monǝŋ shwǝ́ pâ' ta' tɔ̌kcyǝ tǝ pə̌ símnyǝ́ lǝ. Pɔ pyǝ wâp jyǝ́ nǝ́ wim yá á lě biŋ jí msó Sí. Pǝ̂ nǝ́ŋ bǝ́ á tuŋpú é : tə ŋkə́m á nə̂ bǝ̌ŋnǝ̂ yɔ́kpǝ̀, guŋ zhyǝ̌nwǝ yɔ́kpǝ ba pǔvə yɔ́kpǝ̀.

« Ywǝ́tsʉ̂ jɔ́ nwǝ síŋ mò». 

What I have learned in simplicity, I share without reserve, I will not hide its richness. For wisdom is an inexhaustible treasure for men. Those who have used it have won the friendship of God. We are in his hand: ourselves, our words, all our intelligence and skill... 

"Ywǝ́tsʉ̂ jɔ́ nwǝ síŋ mò". 

Good morning, and very pleasant weekend to all, in sharing.



Cɔ́m mtso mɔ́k m Cyǝpɔ Sî. 

Wu yǝ ô bǝ̂ yɔ́k Ŋka' á, ghǝ̌ Dyǝ̂sî o kyǝ́'nyǝ́, _ â lá'tǝ́ ghámtǝ o bí lâ'lǎ'. 

Pɔ́mtǝ́ mpyápdzǝ̂ tsǔ, pǝ mkǎmsîkwɛ́, mkǎmsî ba pǒmkámsí : _ â mghǝnwǝ máp pǝ́mtǝ́ pú a ghɔm tsyǝ wâp shyanyǝ áá. 

O lě dǝ bɛnyǝpɛnyǝ o há hwítǝ bî dǝmcǎ' : _ ghǝ̌ pyǝ fá' nǝshǝ́ŋ cɔ̂mdzǝ́nyǝ́ cǝcǝ̂ gùŋgùŋ. 

Ghǝ́ puŋtʉ́m nǝ̂ mkwǐshyǝ pyǝ wáp lɔ́mdyǝ́ á, _ á wáp pǝ́ mkwíntɛ́ nǝ̂ kɔ tsǔ tǝ yǎ' tyǝ́'. 

Buŋbuŋ gap mɔ́de shyǝ̂ŋkǔ' bí po lǝ́ o ! 

Mo pɔ́m nǝ́ fîŋ mǝ̂jyǝ gíŋ ghɛ́ ! 

Hear us, O Lord God. 

You, our Light, illuminate your Church: May she reveal your glory to the nations. 

Watch over your pastors, bishops, priests and deacons: May their lives be shaped by the word they proclaim. 

By your cross you have given peace to the world: Grant that we may work for the understanding of peoples. 

Give your grace to Christian spouses, _ may they be witnesses of your covenant day by day. 

Forgive the dead all their faults, _ may they live among the saints in heaven.

Good morning and a very good start to the week!


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (PS 145: 18; Pr 3: 29)

Cyəpɔ̂ bə́ bə̂ŋ guŋ pɔ pyə wâp də tʉ̂m tə mfʉm ntéŋ é.

Kə̂ ghə kukuntúŋ nə́ fǝ̂ o yə ê dǝ pyányǝ shwə́ bə́ŋ o (tə pə̌ ŋkwóptǝ́ ó).

Cyǝpɔ̂ ma' do dyǝ́ mòcwǝ̀pùŋ, da'gaǝ́ bǝ́ hwím tsʉ'shwǝ́ pɔ dǝ́ŋdǝŋ. 

 Cyǝpɔ hwím wɔ́kpǝ cúsǝdê dzǝ̂dzǝ ɔ, nté ma cʉŋkhîŋ ba sǝ̂tʉ̌m vǎm pǝ̀ ! 

The LORD is near to all who call upon him in sincerity.

Do not devise evil against your neighbour, when he dwells quietly near you.

The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked, but he blesses the dwelling of the righteous. 

Good morning and a pleasant Tuesday to all, in the blessing of the Lord.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR :  (Ep 4,  30.32). 

Po kǝ̂ ghǝ̂ Zhwenyǝ Sí yǝ e lǝ vo mtiŋ myǝ́ nǝ́ pó, tǝ́ nǝ́ byáp tyǝ́' vɔk yɔ́ á lá'á. Po cǝ̂ŋtǝ́ ntɔ́m puŋtʉ̂m ba pyányǝ cǝcǝ̌ po. Kwa' wɔ́wɔ́ pǝ́ gwá' mhɔ cǝcǝ̌ po, dǝ́ŋdǝŋ pâ' Sǐ lǝ cyǝ m nǝ̂ Krǐsto gwá' mhɔ mɔ́ áá.

Pǝ ywɔ́k wénésǝdê ntâmdzǝ ɔ, shə̂ŋtə́ gwá' mhɔ mfǝ̂ pɔ́kpǝ, dǝ́ŋdəŋ pâ' Sî gǝ yǝ́ nǝ́ pǝ áá !

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God who has marked you with his seal for the day of your deliverance. Be generous and tender with one another. Forgive one another, as God has forgiven you in Christ.

Good morning and happy Wednesday to all.



 shǝ́ŋ gaǝ̂ guŋ pɔ awɛ́ pǝ́ dǝ́ kwà' ŋkwìshwǝ̀, cɔ̂mdzǝ́nyǝ́, ŋkuŋnyǝ mfǝ̌mfǝ̂ ba pyányǝ nǝ́ shwǝ́, tǝ kukuntúŋ. Po kǝ̂ lǝ mhɔ bá' mhɔ, kǝ dǝ́ â mcap bá' mcap lǝ̂. Da'gaǝ́ po pǝ́ níŋ â bwǎnyǝ́ nǝ́ pyǝshǝ́ pɔ, nǝ́pâ' tsɔ́ fâ' bǝ́ nǝ́ kwî mcʉ̌' bwányǝ́ Sí áá. 

Nǝ́ yǝŋ tɔ́sǝdê sɛ̂sǔ, pǝ ywɔ́k dǝ́ â ŋkuŋnyǝ nǝ́ shwǝ́, tǝ tsǝbò, tǝ vamtǝ̀, tǝ kukuntúŋ. 
Dʉ̂m jú' â ghɔmtǝ tǝ́ ŋkó dyǝ́. 

Let everyone live in perfect unity, full of sympathy, brotherly love, tenderness and simplicity. Do not repay evil with evil, nor insult with insult; on the contrary, call down blessings on others, since by vocation you must receive God's blessings as an inheritance.

Good morning and a peaceful Thursday to all.



Mfǝ̌mfǝ́, â ŋkuŋnyǝ mfǝ̌mfǝ́ kǝ̂ lǎ' ják ! Ka po tʉɔ̂nyǝ nǝ́ lǝ gʉɔ pǝpúŋ : a lǝ ghǝ̂ shǝ́pɔ nîŋ mcǒ'sí dyǝ́ tǝpǝ̌wǝ́ jyǝ́. Po kámtǝ́ pɔ pyǝ wáp dyǝ̂cɛ̌ á, m ntîpá' poapú é bǝ́m bǝ́ mghɛcɛ́ áá. Po kámtǝ́ pɔ pyǝ pû dǝ wáp jɔ́gó' á nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, ba wɔ̂ yɔ́ wim bǝ́ŋnǝ́. Â guŋ pɔ awɛ́ níŋmku' nǝ̂ lɔ̌mdyǝ́, bɔ́m nǝ́ lǝ mcak shí' ntamtǝ lɔ̌mdyǝ́ nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, Sî gɔ sɔ' cwó'tǝ́ mcʉ' pú a pǝghǝghàp. Â yɔ nǝ́ sɛ̂nwǝ kǝ̂ kǝm á nǝ̂ ŋkapǝ́ : po ŋwɛ́nyǝ́ nǝ́ yǝ mûdǝŋ yǝ pǒ wim á nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, kwa' yʉ́ Sî gɔm gaǝ̂ : «Ŋ ka lá' nté bú nǝ́ ò, pǝ̂ n dǝ lá' gwá' ó». 

Buŋbuŋ fǝládê gɔ̂sʉɔ̌ bí po lǝ́ o !
Mo pû ŋkǎp tǝ̂ gɔm pǝ́.


Brothers, let brotherly love remain! Do not forget hospitality: it has allowed some, without knowing it, to receive angels into their homes. Remember those who are in prison, as if you were prisoners with them. Remember those who are mistreated, for you too have a body. Let marriage be honoured by all, let not the marriage union be profaned, for the debauched and adulterers will be judged by God. Let your conduct not be inspired by the love of money: be content with what you have, for God himself has said: "I will never leave you, never forsake you..."

Good morning and a sweet start to the weekend to all!



Yɔ́ gʉ̂' pâ' fʉ' ba zhyǝ̌nwǝ Sî bǝ́ tə̀ fò' ! Pǝ́ mo lǝ zhyə̂ yǝ ntî nǝ́fyǝ̀'; waǝ̌ ghə nə́ cyə nǝ̂ mjyǝ myə́ǝ́ ? Waǝ̌ lǝ̌ zhyǝ́ ntúŋ Sí ? Â waǝ̌ yǝ e lǝ̌ tɔ́k é â ? Waǝ̌ lǝ̌ lǝŋdzǝ há bí í tǝ́ bǝ́ byáp gaǝ́ ê tí bâ' ? Nǝ́kǝ́lǝ́ bâkǝ́lǝ̂ fǝ́ á bí í, nǝ́ŋ bǝ́ shyǝ́ â m nǝ́ é, nǝ́ŋ bǝ́ â yǝ́. Á ghámtǝ mama pǝ́ bí í ! Ǎ pó'o.

 waə̌ pâ' Sǐ â ? Tǝ thǝ́ Sí â thǝ́ waǝ́ lɔ́ɔ́ ? 
Pǝ há pá'lǝ́ bî Cyǝpɔ pá' e dí jám wɔ́kpǝ nǝ́ yǝŋ sásǝdê dzǝ̂mtɔ̌ ! 

How deep is the wealth, wisdom and knowledge of God! His decisions are unfathomable, his ways are inscrutable. Who has known the mind of the Lord? Who has been his counsellor? Who has given to him first and deserves to receive in return? For all is of him and through him and for him. To him be the glory for ever! Amen.

Good morning and a peaceful weekend to all!


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Ps 85, 1...16). 

Sî pyányə ba cɔ́mmtsò, cɔ́m mtso mə̌.

Cyəpɔ̂, yú' gi a shɔ́m mtso mə̌, nə̂kə́lə́, gaə̂ bə́ bə́ŋ, bə́ gɛ̀ghə̀ghʉɔ̀. 

La'tə á mə̂jyə o m Cyə̀pɔ̀, jyǝ́ â gaǝ ghiŋ ntʉ̂m yu də́ŋdəŋ; cú'tǝ́ tʉ̂m tsaǝ̌, áá pə́ bwɔ́k tsô tsǔ. 

Cyəpɔ Sî à, gaə̌ gho'tə ó nə̂ guŋ tʉ̂m tsaə̌, gaə̂ gɔ lá' pə́ ghámtə́ tsô tsǔ; â bə ŋkuŋnyə ó ghá'bú nə́ m̀; o lě fəŋ á nté á msûŋ vʉ̌.

Ma' mnyə́ nə́ m shɔ́m mtso mə̌. Há gʉ̂' o bî gɛfa' o, bíŋ bvɔk mû mǝ̂gɛ̀fà' ò.

Lǝmnyǝ́ gap mɔ́de tyǝ̌'pfô bí po lǝ́ o !

Mo lâ' bǝ́ m wu o pǝ́ m yʉ́! 

God of tenderness and mercy, have mercy on me.

Listen Lord, answer me, for I am poor and unhappy...

Show me your way, Lord, that I may walk according to your truth; unify my heart, that it may fear your name.

Lord my God, I will always give glory to your name.
Great is your love for me: you have raised me from the abyss of the dead...

Look upon me, have mercy on me. Give your servant your strength, and save the son of your handmaid.

Good morning and a happy start to the week to all.



Gɛvɔk yɔk bǝ́ Sî yɔ̀k ! 

Ghǝ̌ pyǝ lwɔ́' mco' mǔ nǝ́ yǝŋ tyǝ̌'dzʉ́,  _ fó' ó, gǝ́ â ywǝ́ yǝ â buŋ Tá. 

Gaǝ́ pyǝ níŋ bwányǝ́ nǝ́ o tyǝ́' ɔ pǝ́ tǝ yâ' : _ â mghɔm mɔ̂k ba mfa' mɔ́k pǝ́ ywǝ̂ nǝsé ó nyǝ́nyɔ́. 

Ghɔ́ gǝ́ pyǝ kǝ̂ nyaknyǝ sɔmmo
tyǝ́' ɔ; _ pɔ pyǝ wáp kǝ́ká wɔ́k á, pyǝ lǝ́ ŋwɛ́nyǝ dǝ́ wáp. 

 Cyǝpɔ ywɔ́k cúsǝdê shyǝ̂ŋkû' bɔ́mtǝ́ wɔ́kpǝ̀ ! 

Our Saviour and our God!

 Give us this day to keep your commandments, _ doing as you do what pleases the Father. 

Every hour of the day, may we bless you: May our words and actions be your true praise.

Grant that we may not offend anyone today; _ to those who meet us, bring us joy.

Good morning and a wonderful Tuesday to all!
Look upon me, have mercy on me. Give your servant your strength, and save the son of your handmaid.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Mc 7, 14...23)

A pô' tǝ̂ Yěsô lə ghɔ̌m bí pə̂ŋkʉ̂ pyə́ gaə̂ : "Jyə́ â ba wɔ̂ ŋkwi' bə́ á pə təghəthə́ lə́ ? Jyə́ á tʉɔ bí po nə́ yû' gaə̂ sɔmywə́ yə â fə́ m dzʉ̌ tə́ ŋkó nə́ mo á ka ghə́ nə́ viŋ é, nə́pâ' a tə̂ ŋkó ntʉ́m tʉ̂m tsyə́ á, â ŋkó m vǎm é bíŋ sɔ́pnyə́ dzə́ŋ â m kwa. A pə́ pô' tə̂ Yěsô ghɔ̂m gaə́ â bə guŋ tsə́tsʉ́ pùŋ. 
E lə pǐŋ gɔm gaə̂ : "Ywə́ yə â ntə́m nə́ mo á nê bviŋ é nə̂kə́lə́, mkwɛnyə mcâk ntə́m á vǎm mò : mghìŋ cwə̀pùŋ, cǔŋ, nə́ zhwə̂ mò, ghàp, nə́ kuŋ ŋkáp, sə̂tʉ̌m, mfʉm, nwə cʉ̀', ghò'nyə̀, kǒ'nwə̀, ka'nə́ pú à də̀ŋtə̀kù'. Guŋ mnwə cwəpuŋ mɔ nê bviŋ mò, nə́ŋ bə́ ntə́m á vǎm é.

Buŋbuŋ wénésǝdê dzə̂dzə, tyə̌' sim gwyə́ Jo bí po ! 

Kǝ̂ tǎk kwǝ nɔm dzǝ̂ yǝ́ bvʉ́! 

.... Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Are you also without understanding? Do you not understand that whatever enters a man from without cannot make him unclean, because it does not enter his heart but his belly to be eliminated?" Thus Jesus declared all food to be clean. He said to them, "That which comes out of a man is what makes him unclean. For from within, from the heart of man, come out evil thoughts: misconduct, theft, murder, adultery, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, debauchery, envy, slander, pride, and immoderation. All this evil comes from within, and makes a man unclean.

Good morning and a pleasant Wednesday to all.



Cyǝpɔ Sǐ wǝ́ gɔ́m gaǝ̂: Kɛbǝ̂ŋ bǝ́ kwo' nǝfo tsaǝ̌, dǝmcǎ' nǝ́ŋ bǝ́ ntʉ̂mkwǝ̀ à. Tǝ pô gɔ kwǝ́ pa' bǝ̂m tsʉ'kǝ ? Tǝ yaǝ tsʉ' hwítǝ̂ gɔ pǝ́ m hǝ́ ? Tsǝ̂ bâ bǝ́ â mfa' nthǝ́bû mǝ̌, yá awɛ́ pǝ́ â yaǝ̌. Ghɔm Cyǝpɔ Sǐ. Mo yǝ gaǝ̂ ntʉ́ mnyǝ́ nǝ́ é á, â bǝ́ ŋkə̀mnyə̀, mo yaǝ́ yǝ tʉ̂m tsyǝ̂ bwátǝ́, e pǝ́ jú' ghɔm tsaǝ̌ bwɔ́k.

Pə kámtə́ gaə́ yǝ̂ŋ bǝ́ tɔ́sǝdê ntâmdzǝ.

Jwǝjwǝ pwɔ̂k sɛ̂ bǝ e kwyǝ́. 

Thus says the Lord: Heaven is my throne, and the earth the footstool of my feet. Where then will you build me a house? Where is my resting place? All this my hand has made, and all this is mine, says the Lord. The one I look at is the poor one, the one who is downcast and trembles at my word.

Good morning and a very pleasant Thursday to all, in the fear of the Lord.



Pə̂ mcə myə â dzə́ŋ á lə pí mɔ́k ŋkùŋnyə̀; pə̂ fashyə lə lá' ŋkwâ. Mo khʉ̂m dyə̂ e â wɛ́ há gaə́ e nə jó ŋkuŋnyə, bə yə́ pê gɔ pə́ da'gaə́ pú kwí bíŋ ntám â kúsô gwyə́ thə́ é. 

Pú tǝ̂ gǝm Sí tǝ́ níŋ cwyǝ̀p pǝ̀. 

Po ywɔ́k pǝpúŋ nǝ́ yǝŋ fǝládê sɛ̂sǔ! 

Torrents cannot extinguish love, rivers will not wash it away. If someone were to offer all the riches of his house to buy love, all he would get is deep contempt.

Good morning, and a happy start to the weekend to all.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (2 P 1, 10-11). 

Mfə̌mfə́, po káktʉɔ nə́ cəŋtə ntɔ́m pâ' Sǐ lə kě wɔ́ bíŋ shí wɔ́ áá. Po ghə pô' bə pə́ po lə kótə̀. Â pə́ pô' jyə nəŋkó ntʉ́m nəfo mama Cyəpɔ ba Gɛvɔk yɔkpə Yéso Krǐsto, hé bí pə á tə pə jwók bú' nə́.

Mo lâ' bǝ́ m wu o pǝ́ m yʉ́

Buŋbuŋ sásədê gɔ̂sʉɔ̌ bí ŋkɛ̂mò !

Gûŋ bǝ́ m jʉ̀m

Brethren, redouble your efforts to confirm the call and the choice you have received; by doing so, you will not fall. In this way you will be generously granted entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 

Good morning and a very pleasant Youth Day to all!



Gɛvɔk dəmca', ghə̌ monəŋ cʉɔ́tə́ â m bǝ̌ŋ ò.

Cyəpɔ̂, yu gʉ̂' bə́ ŋkùŋnyə̀; â bə pyə̌ pwá : sɔ' ŋkwítə́ wɔ́k.
Lé Dyə̂sî o yə â bə á sa dəmcǎ' : áá cyányə́ Buŋŋkʉɔ tə gɔ́ ŋkəm tǝ ŋɔ̂nəpɛ.
O tə̂ bə́ gʉɔ səsʉɔ nə̂ sɔmmo nə́ pyə pə́; _ ghə̌ pɔ pyə wâp mǝmtǝ ó ntʉ́m jʉ́m á có' pú nə́ ò.
O lə yɛ̌ mo bə fʉ lə tǎm é fə́ vàm; _ ghɔ́ shɔ́m wɔ́k nə̂ mko'tə mɔ́k.
Lə mfə̂ pɔ́k pyə wáp támdzə á ntʉ́m Tísuŋ dɔ̂lɔ̌, tsʉ' yə Sî gɔ sɔ' pə́ guŋ mnwə awɛ́ bî guŋ pɔ awɛ́.

Buŋbuŋ gap mɔ́de ntâmgǒ bí po lǝ́ o ! 

Saviour of the world, draw all men to you! 

Lord, your power is goodness;
We are weak: help us.
Look at your Church scattered throughout the world: May it carry the Gospel to distant lands.
You are not far from each of us:
Let yourself be touched by those who approach you in the dark.
You healed the blind man from birth; 
Have mercy on our infirmities.
Welcome our departed brethren into the Holy City, 
 where God will be all in all.

Good morning and a good start to the week to all.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Ps 48-II, 17-21). 

Mo tsʉ̂ ŋka' â dǝŋ gaǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, tǝ́ bǝ́ gɔ sɔ' pí ghɛnyǝ é, bǝ a kwítǝ́ é m kǝ ! 

Kǝ̂ pwɔ̌k mo yǝ ê shú'tǝ́ tsǝ́ ŋkà', bǝ́ jwɔ́k dǝ́ tsǝ́ mtʉɔdǝŋ ŋkwíŋ dyǝ̂ e : e tǝ́ nǝ̂ tsǝ̂ŋ mɔ̂kgwyǝ́ dǝ́ sɔmywǝ́ pǝ́; ghámtǝ e lǝ nǝ́ŋ bǝ́ dzǝ́ŋ shyá é. 
E kǝ̂ bǝ́ sîcǎ' bǝ́ sú co' dǝ́ nthǝ̂pû e dá'tǝ́ : «Pû ntogǝŋ thǝ́ o nǝ́pá' ô jɔ́ gaǝ́ ǒ kù' ! » Da'gaǝ́ o pǝ́ dzǝ́ŋ pâ' m nǝ́ kwyátǝ ŋkhǝnyǝ mtâ pǔ pyǝ, wáp ka lá' bíŋ jɔ́ dɔ̂dzʉ̌. 
Mo zhî á gaǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, tǝ́ bǝ́ tǝghǝthǝ́, bǝ ê gɔ cʉ á pâ' kɔm mnɔm pyǝ pú nǝ gɔ́ m nǝ́ watǝ áá.

Mo kɔ̂p ŋka' â dǝŋ gaǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, tǝ́ tǝpǝ̌ hé mfǝ́ pyǝ́, bǝ ê bǝ́ á kwa' bû'cutǝ̌m. 

Nǝ̂ ywɔ̌k cúsǝdê tyǝ̌'pfô ɔ, bɔ́m nǝ́ ghǝnwǝ pâ' tǝghǝthǝ́.

What does it profit a man to gain the world if he loses his soul?

Do not fear the man who becomes rich, who increases the luxury of his house: in hell he takes nothing with him; his glory does not descend with him.
In his lifetime he blessed himself. "We applaud because all is well with you!"
But he joins the line of his ancestors who will never see the light again.
The fulfilled man who is not clairvoyant, looks like cattle being slaughtered.

Good morning and happy Tuesday to all.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Mt 20, 25-28).

A lə pə̌ pô' Yěsô ké pə̂ŋkʉ̂ pyə́ gɔ́m bí pú gaə̂ : «Pǒ zhyə́ gaə́ pəsá' gûŋ də â tʉɔ yáp nə́ sá' mgùŋ, pɔ gwyə́gwyə́ pə́ da'tə gʉ̂' yap. A tə̂ gɔ pə́ pô' cəcə̌ po pə́ : mo yə ě wə́ shə́ŋ nə́ pə̂ yəgwyə́ cəcə̌ po â gɔ pə́ gɛfa' yɔ; bé á mo pə̂ shə́ŋ nə́ pə̂ dəŋdzə cəcə̌ po, e pə̂ ŋkwɔ yɔ. A pô' tə́ Mú mo la tə̂ sɔ' m dəmcǎ' gaə́ pú fá' bí í pə́, e lə̂ sɔ' m nə́ fa', piŋ há vɔk é nə yó thə́ pɔ tə jɔ́m.»

Pyányə̌ nyaptə shyə́ gʉ́'. 
Po ywɔ́k pəpúŋ nə́ yəŋ wénɛ́sǝdê ntâmgǒ.

Then Jesus called his disciples to him and said to them, "As you know, the rulers of the Gentiles rule over them, and the great ones make their power felt. But it shall not be so among you: he who would be great among you shall be your servant; and he who would be first among you shall be your slave. So the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Good morning and a pleasant Wednesday to all.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Mt 7, 7-8.12). 

A lə pə̌ cwəbɔ́ɔ Yěsô pə́ gɔm bí pə̂ŋkʉ̂ pyə́ gaə̂ : «Po lô bə pû gɔ há bí po; po cə̂ŋ bə pô gɔ yɔ́, ŋkó'tə̂ bə pû gɔ hé bí po. Nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, mo lô bǝ pû gɔ há bí í; mo cǝ̂ŋ bǝ ê gɔ yɔ́, ŋkó'tǝ́ jyǝ bǝ pû gɔ hé... 
Pô'lə́, bâkə́lə́ yə pô shǝ́ŋ gaə́ pyəshə́ pɔ ghə́ nə́ po á, ba wɔ̂ yɔ́, po ghə́ pô' nə́ pú : a pâ' Mco' pú a mghǎmdô' gɔm áá.»

Buŋbuŋ tɔ́sǝdê tyǝ̌'pfô bí po lǝ́ o !
Mo tǝ̂ a bǝ́ dóló gɔ́m gaǝ́ pú ló'nyǝ́ gǝ́ ê ghɔ́ pǝ́. 

At that time Jesus said to his disciples, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; to him who knocks, it will be opened... 
Therefore, whatever you would have the̵ others do for you, do it for them, too: this is what the Law and the Prophets say."

 Good morning and a very happy Thursday to all.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Ez 18, 21...25). 

Cyəpɔ Sǐ ghɔm gaə̂ : Mo cwəpuŋ ma' mka' nə̂ guŋ cwəpuŋ yə e kə̂ gə á, dwɔ' guŋ mco' mə̌ gíŋ nə̂ də́ŋdəŋ ba nyə́nyɔ́, bə ê gɔ vɔk; bə e tə̂ gɔ pfʉ́ pə́. Pú tə̂ gɔ piŋ kámtə́ sɔm nə́ bâpbáp mnwə myə́ pə́, bə jyə də́ŋdəŋ yə ě wə́ gíŋ nə́ á há vɔk bí í ...
Tə́ modə́ŋdəŋ tə̂m nə̂ jyə də́ŋdəŋ ŋkó nə̂ cwəpuŋ, fó' mcyəya' myə mocwəpûŋ ntɔ́m á, bə pə́ mo lə píŋ ŋkámtə́ də́ŋdəŋ yə e kə̂ giŋ nə́.

Mo pə̂ gə́ pəpúŋ, e kə̂ le jʉ̀m, e kə̂ těŋ tə́ŋ.

Po ywɔ́k pǝpúŋ nǝ́ yǝŋ fǝládê shyǝ̂ŋkǔ' !

Thus says the Lord: If the wicked turns away from all the sins he has committed, if he keeps all my decrees, if he does right and justice, he will surely live, he will not die...But the righteous, if he turns away from his righteousness and does evil by imitating the abominations of the wicked, ...all the righteousness he had practiced, will not be remembered.

Good morning and a very good start to the weekend to all.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Mt 5, 43...48). 

A lə pə̌ cwəbɔ́ɔ, Yěsô ghɔ̂m bí pə̂ŋkʉ̂ pyə́ gaə̂ : Po lə yû' bə pú ghɔm gaə̂ : "Ô gɔ pə́ kuŋ fə̂ o nə́ŋ pɔ gɛ̀bò ò". Mpá' myə á, gaə̌ ghɔm bí po gaə́ : po kúŋ mghɛbo pɔ́ nə́ŋ shwyə́'nyə́ Sí nə́ pɔ pyə wâp bɔ wɔ́ á, jyə́ á po pə́ kwa' pǒ Tâ yɔ́ yə ê bə́ kɛbəŋ á nyə́nyɔ́ nə̂kə́lə́, ê gə nam e sá' nə́ pɔcwəpuŋ ba nə́ pɔpəpúŋ, gə̂ bəŋ lú nə́ pɔdə́ŋdəŋ ba nə́ pɔmfʉ̀m... Ǎ pô' bé á po pə̂ ŋkúŋ â da' pɔ pyə wâp ŋkuŋ wɔ́ á, bíŋ bə́ shâ'tə́ á mfə̂ pɔ̂ bə pǒ fo' kwa' yá ntî dǎmjɔ́ɔ́ ? Ba pətəzhyə̌sí tə̂ gə yáp á pô' áa ?

Mo tsǝbo bǝ o ká waǝ́ ?

 Sǐ támdzə nə́ yəŋ sásədê dzǝ̂dzə, gə́ pǝ ywók gǝ́ â pəpúŋ !

At that time Jesus said to his disciples, "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy. Well, I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who hate you. I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be truly sons of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you...if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what is so special about that? Do not even the pagans do the same?..."

Good morning and happy weekend to all.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Lc 6, 36-38). 

A lə pə̌ cwəbɔ́ɔ, Yěsô pə́ gɔm bí pə̂ŋkʉ̂ pyə́ gaə̂ : "Po pə́ shɔ́mmtso, də́ŋdəŋ pá' Tâ yɔ̂ bə́ gɛcɔ́mmtsò. Po kə̂ cwǒ'tə́ sá', bwɔ́k pá' pú dí shwó'tə́ wɔ̂ yɔ́. Po kə̂ ghə̌ mo vʉ́ sá', pú tí gə́ po vʉ̂ yɔ́. Po wá' mhɔ̌ pú tí gwâ' mɔ́. Po há, pú tí nə̂ hâ yɔ̂ bə pú cáp, hyá, shî'tə́ tə á yâ' fo' tə́ pú vɔ́p pʉə̌ po. Nə̂kə́lə́, pû gɔ sɔ' lə á ywə́ yə pô nə fô' yə́ pyəshə́ pɔ á tə́ nə fo' yɔ́."

Mo pɔ́m nám ! 
Ywǝ́tsʉ̂ jɔ́ nwǝ sɔ́' síŋ mò. 

Pə zhí á pəghap tǝkeŋ pú ntʉ́m yǝŋ gap mɔ́de sɛ̂sǔ!

At that time Jesus said to the crowd, "Be merciful as your Father is merciful. Do not judge and you will not be judged; do not condemn and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give and it shall be given to you: a full measure, packed, shaken, overflowing, shall be poured upon the skirt of your garment; for the measure you use for others shall be a measure for you also."

Good morning and a fruitful week to all.


PETITS VERSETS DU : (Mt 23, 1...12). 

A lə pə̌ cwəbɔ́ɔ Yěsô ghɔ̂m gaə̂ : "Pə Skrîbə pú a pə Farizyâ shwə́ á dǝm kwo' Mósɛ̂ tə́ jí'tə́ lá'. Pô'lə́, po yú' ywə́ yə â ntə́m shwə̌ pú á, bíŋ gíŋ pá' wâp gɔm áá. Da'gaə́ po pɔ́m nə́ fo' mfa' máp nə̂kə́lə́, wâp gɔm Ghɔmsí te' da'gaə́ wáp lə pə́ ntɔ́m. Wâp nthə́ ŋkəm dzaətsaə ntʉ́ thə́ pɔ̀mnə̀ŋ, tə́ kwa' wáp lə pə́ ŋkúŋ nə́ kwà. Wáp nə̂ ghə bəkə́lə́ bə́ shə́ŋ á gaə́ pú yɔ́ wáp... Wâp ŋkó tsʉ' la'nwə shə́ŋ â kwo' mkù'...
Mo gwyə́ cəcə̌ pô gɔ lə nə̂ e ghə gɛfa' yɔ. Mo ŋâ' nə̂ e, bə pû gɔ fí' í; nə́ŋ də́ nə̂ e sí, bə pû gɔ pʉ́' é.

Pə yú' ntɔ́k, gíŋ nə́, bvɔ̂k shǝ́ mnwǝ nǝ́ yǝŋ cúsədê gɔ̂sʉɔ̌ !

At that time Jesus said, "The scribes and Pharisees teach from the pulpit of Moses. So whatever they tell you, do and observe. But do not act on their deeds, for they say and do not... They tie up heavy burdens that are hard to carry, and they load the shoulders of the people with them; but they themselves do not want to move them from the ground. All their deeds they do to be noticed by people...they love places of honour at dinner parties...The greatest among you will be your servant. He who exalts himself will be humbled, he who humbles himself will be exalted.

 Good morning and happy Tuesday to all.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Ph 2, 12b-15a). 

Po lǝ́ nǝ́ pwɔ̂k ba nǝ́ cǝŋtǝ há mku', shǝ́ŋ ywǝ́vɔk yɔ́ tǝ sǝ́ŋ, tǝ́ da' cwǝyǝ gaǝ̌ sí á pǝ́, gɔ́m te' gɔ́m cwǝyǝ n tǝ yaǝ̌ sí áá. Nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, yǝ nǝ́kuŋ Sǐ nê gǝ tǝ́ po pǝ́ níŋ thǝ́ nǝ̂ fa', dúpá' ê bap â pǝpúŋ nǝ́ po áá. Po pǝ́ fâ' bǝkǝ́lǝ́ pǝ́ tǝ vamtǝ̀, tǝ tɛshwǝ̀; â cyǝ́ m pô'ó po pǝ́ tǝbya bíŋ bǝ́ dɔ̂lɔ̌, wɔ́ pǝ́ e pô bǝ́ pó Sî tǝ pǎp mviŋ, ntʉ́m ta' sɔknyǝ́ wɔ́dzʉ̂ cwǝpuŋ, ŋkyǝ́' pâ' msɛ ntʉ́m dzʉ́.

Mo lǝ lúŋ nú' kǝluŋ hyá, bǝ pû gɔ kwí pfaǝ́, nǝ́ŋ tʉ' mjwǐ. 

Yǝ̂ŋ bǝ́ wénésǝdê dzǝ̂mtɔ̌ !  

Work out your salvation with fear and deep reverence; not only when I am there, but even more so now that I am not. For it is God who works to produce in you the will and action according to his benevolent plan. Do all things without recrimination or argument, so that you may be blameless and pure, you children of God without blemish.

Good morning and a wonderful Wednesday to all believers.


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (Jr 17, 7-10). 

Cyəpɔ Sǐ ghɔm gaə̂ : «Buŋtsê bə́ mo yə ê há ka'tə é bî Cyə̀pɔ̀, mo yə Cyəpɔ bə̂ yə̀ mɔ̀ktə̀. Ê gɔ sɔ' cwə́ pâ' ta'thə̂ bə pú pá kə́ŋshyə, a pə́ siŋ mŋɛ myə́ shyə : a lə pə́ bwɔ́k cwəyə nǎm wə́ sɔ́' á, mhwə myə́ pə́ shwə́ â mimnyəmimnyə. A pə́ kapləm e lə cɔ́m nə̂kə́lə́, pə́ a lə kɔ́ é nə́ yâm ntɔ̌m. Pǝ̂ sɔm mfʉm lǝ cyǝ́ myǝ â ntǝ́m tʉ́m mò, tsyǝ́ hwǝ tǝ̌wǝ́ pǝ́. Pǝ̂ waǝ̌ zhyǝ́ yá ? Da' myǝ Cyǝpɔ yǝ ê jyǝ́ ghɔm ntúŋ jyǝ̂ tsyǝ́ vʉ́', nǝ́ nǝbá' mghiŋ, ba mfa' bǝwaǝ̌lǝ́ bí í.»

Pə lányə́ nə́ ma' yɔkpə gwa da' bî Cyə̀pɔ̀ ! 
Pyanyǝ́ tɔ́sǝdê ntâmgǒ bí po lǝ́ o !

Blessed is the man who puts his faith in the Lord, whose trust is in the Lord. He will be like a tree planted by the waters, which pushes its roots towards the current. It does not fear when the heat comes: its foliage remains green. In the year of drought, it remains unconcerned: it does not fail to bear fruit. Nothing is more false than the heart of man; it is incurable. Who can know it? I, the Lord, who know the hearts and search the reins, to give to each one according to his conduct, according to the fruit of his deeds."

Good morning and a wonderful Thursday to all.



Yésô Gɛvɔk yɔk, pyǝ̌ sé ó

O lǝ yǔ'nyǝ tǝ bíŋ nǝ́ pfʉ̂, nǝ́ jí'tǝ́ wɔ́k pô' lwɔ̀dzǝ̀ ŋkùŋnyǝ̀.

Ô bíŋ nǝ́ kwa do mnwǝcwǝpuŋ, nǝ́ da'tǝ wɔ́k gʉ̂' puŋtʉ́m Tá.

Ô shwyǝ́'nyǝ́ nǝ́ pɔ pyǝ wáp lǝ kwetǝ ó dǝm bɛnyǝpɛnyǝ á, a lányǝ wɔ́k nǝ́ wâ'mhɔ á tǝ lejʉ̀m.

Ô shwó'jyǝ lǎ'puŋ bî bʉɔtʉ̂m samshwǝ, a há nǝ́ mɔktǝ bí pyǝ.

Ô dunǝ̂vʉ̌ nǝ̂ batǝ tyǝ̌' tá, nǝ́ bʉ́' mpfaǝ́sí pyǝ wáp ntʉ́m hwítǝ̀.

Buŋbuŋ fǝládê tyǝ̌'pfô bí po lǝ́ o !

Bonjour et agréable début de week-end à tous !

Jésus notre Sauveur, nous t'adorons

Jesus our Saviour, we adore you

In making you obey us unto death, you teach us the greatest love. 
By taking upon yourself the curse of sin, you reveal to us the benevolence of thȩ Father.

By praying for those who put you on the cross, you train us to forgive without measure.

By opening paradise to the repentant evildoer, you make our hope possible.

By raising the third day, you raise those who have fallen asleep in peace.

Good morning and a pleasant start to the weekend to all!

Jésus notre Sauveur, nous t'adorons

En te faisant obéissent jusqu'à la mort, tu nous apprends le plus grand amour. 

En prenant sur toi la malédiction du péché, tu nous révèles la bienveillance du̧ Père.

En priant pour ceux qui t'ont mis en croix, tu nous entraînes au pardon sans mesure.

En ouvrant le paradis au malfaiteur repentant, tu rends possible notre espérance.

En ressuscitant le troisième jour, tu relèves ceux qui sont endormis dans la paix.

Bonjour et agréable début de week-end à tous !



Sî Yěso Krǐstò, pǝ̂ yɔk Sí! 

Sî ŋkyǝ̀'nyǝ̀, ví' ŋka' ó mtʉ́m pyǝ, _ jyǝ́ á pyǝ cwyǝ́'nyǝ́ ó pǝ́ nyǝ́nyɔ́ :

Sɔ́k mkɛnyǝ mɔ́k, níŋ gʉ́' nǝ̂ tsǝ́ tsyǝ pyǝ̌ wǝ́ sʉ́m á, _ gǝ̌ pyǝ kǝ̂ pwǎ nǝ́ zhyǝ̂ nǝ́ cwé ntéŋ ó. 

Ghǝ̌ mnyǝ̂ mɔ́k pǝ́ dǝ́ â mpǝ̌ŋ díŋ ó, _ bíŋ gǝ̌ pyǝ a pú pǝ́ bǝ́mtǝ́ ntéŋ ó. 

Ghǝ̌ tsǝ̂ tsǔ ywɔ́k gǝ́ pyǝ ŋwɛ́nyǝ́ nǝ́ yǝŋ tyǝ̌'dzʉ́, _ jyǝ́ á pyǝ zhyǝ́ gʉ̂' ŋkuɲnyǝ o zhwop sé ó gaǝ̂ :

 Cyǝpɔ lǝ́ ŋwɛ́nyǝ sɔ́' bí pǝ, nǝ́ yǝŋ wénésǝdê tyǝ̌'pfô. 

Be our God, God of Jesus Christ!

God of light, fill our hearts with your clarity _ that in all truth we may pray to you. 

Purify our intentions, strengthen our desires, _ make us firm in the assurance that makes us cry out to you. 

Make our eyes see thee in the poor, _ and with them implore thee. 

Rejoice in your goodness throughout the day, _ and, secure in your love, we may sing:

Good morning and a wonderful Wednesday to all!


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (1 P 3, 18.22). 

Mfǝ̌mfǝ́, Krǐsto lě mpfʉ́ mla' mhɔnwǝ, ŋkwi cʉ̌m a kû'; yʉ́ mo dǝ́ŋdǝŋ lǝ̂ mpfʉ́ pô' nǝ̂ thǝ́ pɔ pyǝ wáp hɔ á, bǝ́ shǝ́ŋ nǝ́ lǝ wɔ́ gɔ́ dzǝ̂ Sǐ. Pú lǝ zhwǝ̌ é nǝ́ bǝ̌ŋnǝ̂ é; Sǐ pîŋ bá' é ntʉ́m Zhwènyǝ̀. Yʉ́ yǝ e lǝ kwô' m kɛbǝŋ â bǝ ě cyǝ mcó'sí pú a guŋ mgʉ̌' myǝ pú tǝ̂ jɔ́ á, bǝ́ shwǝ́ nǝ̂ ghǝ̌ŋ pûtʉɔ Sî Tá.  

Mo lâ' bǝ́ m wu o pǝ́ m yʉ́ ! 

Buŋbuŋ tɔ́sǝdê shyǝ̂ŋkǔ' bí po lǝ́ o ! 

Christ died for sins once and for all; he, the righteous one, died for the guilty to bring you before God. In the flesh he was put to death; in the spirit he was given life. He has ascended into heaven, above the angels and all the invisible powers, to the right hand of God. 

Good morning and happy Thursday to all.



Gaə̌ kuŋ Cyə̀pɔ̀ : ê jú' mcwyə́'nyə mə̌; ê bɔ́ tə̂ŋ é jú' á : gaə̂ gɔ ghə teŋ é tə lá' pfʉ́.
Cyəpɔ̂ bə́ də́ŋdəŋ, bə́ cɔ́mmtsò; Sî yɔ̂k bə́ pyányə̀: n də pwǎ e sɔ̂' ŋkwítə́ á.
E lě nté ghɛnyə á msûŋ vʉ̌, shí' shyətsə̂ á, gə̂ n də hɔ́ kwə á.
Gaə̂ gɔ pə́ ghiŋ bə̂ŋ Cyəpɔ dəm cǎ' pɔ̀mtʉɔ̀.

Pə pú' bú fǝládê dzǝ̂dzə ɔ, dó gaə̂ Cyəpɔ zhɔ́k shu ntʉ́m guŋ yɔ́kpǝ̀. 

Pú tǝ́ a bǝ́ jɔ́kshu sɛ́ mpfǝ́ pǝ́

I love the Lord: he hears the cry of my prayer;
He inclines his ear to me: all my life I will call upon him...
The Lord is justice and mercy, our God is tenderness.
The Lord defends the little ones: I was weak, he saved me...
He saved my soul from death, kept my eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling.

Good morning, and have a good start to the weekend.



Mû Sî màmà, kwítǝ́ wɔ́k ! 

Pyǝ̌ teŋ ó nǝ̂ thǝ́ pɔ pyǝ, gho, vʉ̌ kǝ pǔ' wǝ́ hyá wáp : _ yɛ wáp, zhwyǝ́tǝ́ wáp, té wáp mtʉ̀. 
Pyǝ̌ cwyǝ́'nyǝ́ ó nǝ̂ thǝ́ pɔ pyǝ wáp wá' mjyǝ mǔ : _ ghǝ̌ wáp yɔ́ cɔ́mmtso o, ba ŋwɛ́nyǝ nǝ́ cwǝ̂ ntʉ́m ma sǝ́. 
Nǝ́ wɔ́k mghɛmhɔ̀, wu yǝ o lǎm hɔ́ sɔm cʉ́m á, ghǝ̌ pyǝ yɔ́ ó pâ' fyǝ'shɛ yǝ ê shɔ́mmtso áá. 
Nǝ̂ bǝyá mo lǝ́ sîcǎ', ba nǝ́ pɔ pyǝ wáp támdzǝ á, pyǝ̌ teŋ ó. 

Tǝ thǝ́ Sí á, thǝ́ waǝ́ lɔ́ɔ́ ? 

Buŋbuŋ sásǝdê ntâmdzǝ bí po ! 

Son of the living God, save us!

We pray for those who suffer sickness, grief, and servitude: _ heal them, strengthen them, deliver them.
We pray for those who no longer follow your ways: May they discover your forgiveness and the joy of a new life.
For us sinners we beseech you: Grant that we may find in you, who have done no wrong, a merciful judge.
For every man in this world we pray to you, and for those who have gone before us.



Ŋka' kě sá', pú pʉ̂' guŋ pǝlǝnǝ́sí, álelúyà. 

Gaǝ̌ pʉ́' mnyǝ́ dé ó, wu yǝ ô bǝ́ kɛbǝ̀ŋ. 
Kwa'pâ' pu' bǝ́ dé pú táp e, kwa'pâ' mnyǝ́ gopu' bǝ́ dé pú máp e á, mnyǝ̂ mɔ́k pʉ́' bǝ́wǝ́ byáp cɔ́mmtso Cyǝpɔ Sî yɔk yǝ ê bǝ́ kɛbǝ̀ŋ. 
Cɔ́m mtso mɔ́k m Cyǝ̀pɔ̀, cɔ́m mtso mɔ́k ! Ghɛnyǝ yɔ́k wúŋ mcàp. 
Ǎ piŋ gá'bú : pyǝ̌ wúŋ mwi pɔ pyǝ â bǝ wáp kù', jwyǝ́ mkó'suŋ pǝka'nǝ́. 

Mû gwi mâp e lá' lɔ̂m yǝ́.

Pǝ lǝ́ á hwítǝ ntó' yǝŋ gap mɔ́de gɔ̂sʉɔ̌! 

A light has dawned, all the humble have been raised up, hallelujah. 

To you my eyes are lifted up, to you who are in heaven. 
Like the eyes of a slave to his master's hand, like the eyes of a maid to her mistress' hand, our eyes, lifted up to the Lord our God, await mercy. 
Have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us: our soul is satiated with contempt. 
It is too much, we are filled with the laughter of the satisfied, the contempt of the proud!



Kámtə́ Dyə̂sî o m Cyǝ̀pɔ̀ !

Tâ, o lə kǔŋ gaə́ Mû u lúnə̂vʉ̌ dá'tə́ nə̂ e bî Mcwiŋkʉɔ̀, _ lə wɔ́k gə́ mkwíntɛ́ lunə́vʉ̂ e.

Wu yə o lə tə̌m Mû u e cyânyə Ŋkʉɔ Pəpúŋ bî mpə̌ŋ á, ghə gaə́ pyə cyányə́ Bùŋŋkʉɔ̀.

Wu yə o lə cya Mû u e tsə̂ ghɔm á, _ cyá mghɛfǎ' wáp káp.

Wu yə o lə cya Mû u e pfyə̂ á kwa' mcyə̂ myə́ nə́ hapmla' mɔ́ po dəmcǎ' á, lə wɔ́k gə́ tsə́ hwítə̀.

wu yǝ o lǝ ghǝ Mû u cwǝ́ ghǝ́ŋ pûtʉɔ ó kɛbǝŋ á, lǝ mpfaǝ́sî pɔ́k ntʉ́m ŋwɛ́nyǝ Nǝfo tsǔ. 

 Sǐ támdzǝ nǝ́ yǝŋ cúsǝdê dzǝ̂mtɔ̌! 

Remember your Church, Lord.

Father, you wanted your risen Son to manifest himself to his Apostles; make us witnesses of his resurrection.
You who sent your Son to bring the Good News to the poor, _ give us the power to proclaim the Gospel.
You who sent your Son to sow the word, send labourers into the harvest.
You who sent your Son to reconcile the world to you by his own blood, make us instruments of peace.
You who made your Son sit at your right hand in heaven, _ welcome our dead into the joy of the Kingdom.

Good morning and a wonderful Tuesday to all!



Cyǝpɔ Yésô, sɔ̌' pǝ pǝ́m shwǝ́. 

Wu yǝ nwǝ lǝ cyǝ pǝ̂ŋkʉ̂ pǔ o kwyátǝ wáp mǝ̂jyǝ Emayʉ̂sǝ á, tǝ́mtǝ́ píŋtʉ́m pɔ pyǝ wáp wǝ́ jʉ́zhʉ́' áá. 
Wu yǝ o lǝ kyǝ̌'tǝ́ thǝ̂ yáp nǝ̂ mghɔmsí á, zhí'tǝ́ wɔ́k gaǝ́ pǝ̂ gɔ pǝ́mtǝ́ yɔ́gó' tǝ́ kó ntʉ́m ghámtǝ̀ ò. 
Wu yǝ o lǝ lǝ pó' ywǝ́tsʉ́ gǝ́ pú tîŋ ó á, ghǝ̂ yɔk nǝ́ ghaptǝ lá'tǝ́ gaǝ́ ô bǝ́ bǝ́ŋ pyǝ. 
Wu yǝ ô dǝ ŋwɛ́nyǝ Páska sɛ́nyǝ́ mtʉ̂m mɔ́k á, ghǝ̌ yǝŋ ŋwɛ́nyǝ lǝ́ wɔ́k shʉɔ́tǝ́ bǝ́ŋ pɔ pyǝ wáp wǝ́ nǝ̂ ghiŋ bǝ́ jwíŋ áá. 
Wu Ntʉɔntʉɔ yǝ pǝ́ e lǝ píŋ mpfʉ́ á, há vɔk ó bí pɔ pyǝ vʉ̌ lǝ wáp.  

Ntô' bǔ la sɔ́m. Mo tǝ̂ a bǝ́ dóló gɔ́m gaǝ́ pú ló'nyǝ́ gǝ́ ê ghɔ́ pǝ́. 

 Cyǝpɔ ywɔ́k wénésǝdê ntâmgǒ ɔ bɔ́mtǝ́ wɔ́ !   

Stay with us, Lord Jesus.

You who joined your discouraged disciples on the road to Emmaus, sustain the faith of those who doubt.
You who opened their minds to the meaning of the Scriptures, teach us that we must suffer with you to enter your glory.
You who made yourself known through the breaking of the bread, allow our sharing to reveal your presence.
You who burn our hearts with the joy of Easter, let it carry us towards those who go away sad.
You, the Living One who never dies, give your life to those who have known death.

Ntô' bǔ la sɔ́m. Mo tǝ̂ a bǝ́ dóló gɔ́m gaǝ́ pú ló'nyǝ́ gǝ́ ê ghɔ́ pǝ́.  

Good morning and a wonderful Wednesday to all!



Cyǝpɔ pfʉ̂jám, ghɔ́ sɔ́' sha' wɔ́k ! 

Wu yǝ ô bǝ́ gǝgɛ mghɛnyǝ ba yǝ bǝ̌ŋnǝ́ á, _ ghɔ́ bʉ́'tǝ́ mghɛgho ŋkwí' gʉ̂' yap.

Bhǝkâm mpwǎŋkò, _ tǝ́mtǝ́ pɔ pyǝ msɔ̌knyǝ́ kǝ vʉ̌ pǝ́ ŋó' wáp. 

Múmâ ŋkwimo bǝ̌ŋ, _ zhwyǝ́tǝ́ mo yǝ ghǝghʉɔ pû vʉ̌ wǝ́ ŋkɔ́p é. 

A lě shyǝ m nǝ̂ bɛnyǝpɛnyǝ o, ŋwɛ́nyǝ o kó sîcǎ' : _ ghǝ̂ mpfaǝ́sî pɔ́k cǝ̂ŋtǝ́ ŋkó ntʉ́m yǝŋ ŋwɛ́nyǝ̀. 

Kǝ̂ ghaǝ̂ "gaǝ tí tǝ́ "! 

Nǝ́ yǝŋ tɔ́sǝdê tyǝ̌'pfô, â Cyǝpɔ ghǝ́ pǝ ywók ŋwɛ́nyǝ́ŋwɛ́nyǝ́ ! 

Visit us, Risen Lord.

You are the physician of souls and bodies, 
lift up and strengthen the sick. 

Help of the oppressed, _support those who are afflicted by injustice or failure.  
̃Brother to the lonely and miserable, _comfort him who suffers trial and grief. 

Through your cross, joy has entered the world: 
_ grant to our departed the fullness of that joy. 

Good morning and happy Thursday to all



Amen ! Amen ! Alléluia!

Mûjʉjʉ páskà, wu yǝ ô sɔk mhɔ sîcǎ', lǝ mcyǝ mǔ myǝ a lǝ pfyǝ á dɔ́nyǝ́ wɔ́k.

Mûjʉjʉ páskà, wu yǝ ô gyǝ́' ŋwà'nyǝ̀ vɔ̀k, ghǝ̌ pɔ pyǝ wâp dzǝ ó á, yɔ̂ bǝ pú vǝ tsô tsáp ntʉ́m ó.

Mûjʉjʉ páskà, wu yǝ tsǝ́ mta'shyǝ vɔ̂k sá' fǝ́ nǝ́ ò, ghǝ̂ msɔm fʉ̂' ó lɔ́m ntʉ́m Dyǝ̂sî ò. 

Mûjʉjʉ páskà, wu yǝ ô munyǝ ntʉ́m ghámtǝ á, pǝ́ ŋka' bí pɔ pyǝ o lǝ cǐ áá.

Ô bǝ́ nǝ́zhi bǝ́ nǝ́mìŋ,
bǝ́ dǝŋdzǝ bǝ́ jʉɔ̀jʉ̀m,
bǝ́ nǝ́tô' ba nǝ́mìŋ,
á ghámtǝ mama pǝ́ bû !

Buŋbuŋ fǝládê shyǝ̂ŋkǔ' bí po lǝ́ o !

Amen ! Amen ! Alléluia!

Paschal Lamb, who takes away the sins of the world, by your shed blood cleanse us. 

Paschal Lamb, who works the book of life, give to those who follow you, to see their name written in it. 

Paschal Lamb, from whom rivers of living water flow, multiply in your Church the fruits of your grace. 

Paschal Lamb, thou art enthroned in glory, be the light of thy chosen ones. 

You are the Alpha, you are the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end, eternal glory is yours. 

Good morning and a pleasant start to the weekend!



Wɔ́ nê bǝ́ gwya shîcǐ, pǝnuŋpwɔ' fò, guŋ dɔ̂lɔ̌, pɔ bǝ́ pɔ Sí; pɔ pyǝ Sǐ lǝ cwǒ' gaǝ́ wáp pǝ́ shyányǝ́ msyanyǝ mo yǝ e lǝ kě wáp nǝ́ ntǝ́m jʉ́m, níŋ wáp ntʉ́m puŋtǝ́ ŋka' é. Nǝ̂kǝ́lǝ́, po latǝ̂ gǝ bǝ́ pɔ pyǝ́ pǝ́, tǝ́ pô bǝ́ tyǝ́' ɔ bǝ́ pɔ Sí. A lǝ̂ bǝ ŋkuŋnyǝ̌ kǝm wɔ́, tǝ́ ǎ tyǝ́' ɔ, bǝ Sǐ kě da'tǝ wɔ́ ŋkuŋnyǝ e. 

Nǝ́ yǝŋ sásǝdê dzǝ̂dzǝ, pǝ ló gaǝ̂ Cyǝpɔ té wɔ́kpǝ ntʉ́m jʉ́m, pǝ zhyǝ́ nǝ́ ló'tǝ guŋ mnwǝ myǝ á sí ná' wɔ́kpǝ̀. 

Mo tǝ́ nǝ̂ wa mú' shu bǝ e dó'ló' pǝ́.

You are the chosen race, the royal priesthood, the holy nation, the people who belong to God; you are therefore commissioned to proclaim the wonders of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. For in other times you were not his people, but today you are God's people. You were deprived of love, but today God has shown you his love. 

Good morning and a wonderful weekend to all.



Pǝ wúŋ tsɔ'ɔ shwǝ́ m Cyǝpɔ Yésô ! 

Kámtǝ́ gaǝ́ pyǝ̂ bǝ́ pɔ tǝ jʉ̂'thǝ́, bíŋ bǝ́ pǝtǝlǒ'nyǝ́ bíŋ :
_ kwi' nǝ́pîŋ Dyǝ̂sî ò. 

Lǝ́ puŋtʉ̂m má' mnyǝ́ nǝ́ pɔ pyǝ wâp giŋ tǝpǝ̌ díŋ ó :
_ la'tǝ nǝ́ o jyǝ́ á wáp tiŋ Gɛvɔk yap. 

O lě dǝ bɛnyǝpɛnyǝ o gwó' bvǝ́nyǝ́ :
_ lǝ́ ntamtǝ bǝ̌ŋnǝ̂ ó shú'tǝ́ ntǝ̂mntǝ̌m. 

Wu yǝ ô bǝ́ Fyǝ' pɔmtʉɔ ba mpfaǝ́sí á, 
_ cɔ́m mtso pɔ pyǝ wáp lě jâp yap nǝ́pîŋ nǝ́ ò. 

Stay with us, Lord Jesus!

Remember that we are without understanding and slow to believe;
Increase the faith of your Church. 

Look kindly on those who walk without recognizing you:
manifest yourself so that they may discover their Saviour. 

You have reconciled all with your cross:
Gather the nations into the unity of your body. 

You are the Judge of the living and the dead, 
grant forgiveness to those who have given their faith to you. 

Good morning and happy Labour Day to all!


PETITS VERSETS DU JOUR : (He 13, 7-9a). 

Po pǝ́ ŋkámtǝ́ pɔ pyǝ wáp lǝ cǐm wɔ́ áá : wáp lǝ sîŋ ghɔm Sí bí po. Po yɔ́ pâ' yáp vɔk lǝ nǝ míŋ á fo' píŋtʉ̂m yap. Yéso Krǐstò, kǝ yǒ kǝ tyǝ̂' ɔ lǝ̂, ê bǝ́ á yʉ́, bíŋ bǝ́ gɔ́ lá' pǝ́ á yʉ́ nǝ̂ guŋ mcwǝ awɛ́. Ka po píŋ pú lǝ̂ ntîntǐ mcwyatǝ dyǝ' shú' thǝ̂ yɔ́.  

Mó a bǝ́ hɔ́jyǝ kwǝ é ghǝ̂msí

Po kə̂ pǐŋ mo ywɔ́k fʉ́ wɔ́ cʉ́sǝdê gɔ̂sʉɔ̂ ɔ :
Dzʉ̌ ka pûŋ...

Remember those who led you: they spoke the word of God to you. Meditate on the outcome of the life they led and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ yesterday and today is the same. He is the same for all eternity. Do not be led astray by all kinds of foreign doctrines.

Good morning and happy Tuesday to all

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