
The Read at Home initiative will be launched in September 2023: Here are some of the books in the Ghomala language that will be made available to children in the West Cameroon Region. These books are the property of the Cameroonian government and are free. There are 40 books, 10 books in four levels (Pre-nursery, nursery, class 1 and class2).

RH book
RH book
RH book
RH book
RH book
RH book
RH book

L'abécédaire de la langue Ghomala' illustré et traduit en francais et en anglais (à la fin du livret) par Blaise Mkounga Tala Teku. 

Contact,    (+237)697777194/(+237)676403182 

Dear Ghomalaphones, use this link to access simple books and other audios; translated into French and English:


You can read them online or download them to your smart phone with bloom app.


parts of the face

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